Friday, November 1, 2019

Why does the movie Blackfish address a Marketing problem Essay

Why does the movie Blackfish address a Marketing problem - Essay Example A critical look at the movie would suggest that it essentially inform its audience that SeaWorld, the organization which manages and runs this business, is not only hiding certain important aspects regarding the actual ethical impact of their business but it is also being engaged in activity which can be dangerous not only for the animals but for the humans also. It essentially outlines the need to balance the ethics with informing the target market regarding the overall impact of such activities. (CIEPLY, 2014) Considering the above situation, it is therefore clear that the movie actually highlights the important marketing problem of how the organizations actually fail to maintain effective public relations. The movie clearly outlines as to how the firms actually engage in actions which may attract the negative publicity and hurt the image of the organization. Consumers are increasingly becoming complex and more informed in nature and considering the increase in the overall emphasis on the role businesses can play in ensuring sustainability suggests that marketing requires more ethical orientation towards this. The overall impact of the organizational activities on the consumers and other stakeholders therefore necessitate that the organizations must focus on behaving and acting ethically. Considering the overall situation depicted in the movie, it is clear that the SeaWorld has failed to act ethically and highlights the important ethical issue. It highlights as to how the firm is actually marketing and selling a product which is essentially dangerous for the lives of the consumers and those who interact with them. The blackfish is based upon how the captive Tilikum Orca can actually endanger the lives of others and how the firm actually failed to reveal this and other related information to their target audience. What is critical to note however the fact is that both the firms seem not be acting in ethically and socially responsible behavior. The

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