Saturday, December 28, 2019

Advertising Strategy of Redbull - 2905 Words

Introduction One of the leader in the energy drink market, Red Bull was created in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz and now produces an annual turnover of more than 3 billion Euros (Gschwandtner 2004). Red bull is an internationally popular energy drink that is intended to taste like mixed berries. Red Bull is packaged in a slim aluminium blue and silver container with two red bulls as the logo. It provides 8.3 US fl. oz. of thirst quenching power fluid and contains 80 mg. of pure caffeine; this energy drink combats mental and physical fatigue (Redbull 2011). Red Bull however, was not always Red Bull; this energy drink originated in Thailand and it was sold under the name â€Å"Krating Daeng†. For more than 20 years, Red Bull has managed to†¦show more content†¦The consumers would be looking for a â€Å"pick me up† in order to complete work. Maybe the college student has a paper due soon and will be pulling an â€Å"all-nighter† to complete it, or the business person has a report that they need to present to their boss the next day. They are looking for something to keep them focused though out that long night. Public Service Employees such as; Police, Military and Fire Fighters are also in the target market of this company. These jobs require extremely long hours of shift work. For example the Fire Fighters and Police shift may start at 1:00 am. This is a time when the body is normally sleeping, so these consumers would look for something to wake them up. Personally, after going through officer school training previously when I was serving my National Service (NS) there were times when I had to stay awake for over 48 hours straight, and I was constantly feeling the urge for an energy drink to take that sleepy feeling off. Fitness buffs are also in the market for Red Bull. These people tend to look for an â€Å"edge† while working out. Buyers pass through three consumer response stages; cognitive, affective and behavioural (Percy 2008). This is the â€Å"learn-feel-do† sequence of how the consumer s perception is relative to a product. I will look at the Communicative Model of how the consumer passes throughShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Commercial Advertisement Essay examples1639 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstand it and its effects and whether it is proving for what it are made. We have heard a very common slogan named as â€Å"RedBulls Gives You Wings†. It is the very popular television advertisement of RedBulls energy drink with many advertisement prints and different characters. We have seen the advertisement in which a bird pisses on a man and after that man took out a RedBull energy drink from his pocket and after drinking it, he got wings and he flew overthe bird and unbuttoned his pants and immediatelyRead MoreRed Bull Energy Drink1614 Words   |  7 PagesRedbull Energy Drink - Presentation Transcript 1. It Gives You Wiings 2. Contents * Executive Summary * SWOT Analysis * Promotion Opportunity Analysis * Corporate Strategies * Integrated Marketing Communications Management * Media Plan * Evaluation amp; Control 3. Executive Summary * Red Bull can be called as a pioneer in the energy drink category worldwide. In India too, Red Bull was the brand that createdRead MoreLucozade Case Study4397 Words   |  18 PagesIntroduction Advertising is attempting to influence the buying behaviour of customers and clients by providing a persuasive selling massage of the products and services. 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The shares of theirRead MoreRed Bull Case Study3127 Words   |  13 Pagesare Red Bull Energy Drink, Red Bull Sugarfree, Red Bull Simply Cola, and Red Bull Energy Shots. This report will cover several topics regarding sales force and sales forecasting strategies already implemented by the organization, or strategies they might want to consider. However, before this paper can explain the strategies clearly, a good understanding of Red Bull’s current channels is important. Red Bull gained popularity throughout the years for various reasons: some say the way they marketedRead MoreEnergy Drink Marketing Report3887 Words   |  16 Pagesvariation to appeal to the extreme sports fan, teenagers and people who dislikes the taste of the common energy drinks. We determined Red Bull is employing the concentrated targeting strategy with a single product, and Monster is using differentiated targeting strategy with their range of drink variations. The positioning strategies of the two companies further highlighted their difference. Red Bull place importance on image differentiation, and drive through their premium product and pricing position throughRead MoreRedbull Case Study3525 Words   |  15 Pageslead us to believe. The number one selling energy drink brand is Redbull, and there is a multitude of reasons as to why they are number one. One of which is their progressive marketing strategy and as their mission statements implies, customer satisfaction as wel l as continuous innovation. Redbull now sponsors a multitude of various sports teams, which range from motorsports to skateboarders and air-racing, as well as surfers. Redbull is not only seen as a global leader in their energy drink salesRead MoreInternational Marketing4703 Words   |  19 Pagescommonly used as an energy drink; like coffee, and as a mixer in alcoholic drinks, like Red Bull Wings and the Jà ¤gerbomb. This aligns with the companys focus on the younger generations of partygoers and post-secondary students.    Red Bull’s marketing strategy is one of the key factors in their success, they created Mobile Energy Team that consists primarily of young university students driving around in specially designed Mini Coopers with large Red Bull cans on top to attract the younger audience. TheRead MoreEssay on The Mighty Red Bull in the World of Marketing3258 Words   |  14 Pagesexperimental age, where consumers make USE of brands in order to feel new experiences and are also influenced by ethical groups ( (Solomon, et all, 2006. p.140). As mentioned earlier, Mateschitz restricted the standard norms of advertising and concentrated on a term called Buzz marketing. Red Bull employed trendsetters of a community to carry the brands message to places where the target segment was available; creating an initial belief and interest about the product by informingRead MoreMarketing and Nescafe1262 Words   |  6 Pages2008, 2008). Today, its offerings are available in 32 countries including France, China, Canada, Pakistan, India, UK, USA and others(Nescafe, 2010). Nescafe s Global Strategy Nescafe has build a strong brand equity through the use of aggressive marketing strategies globally. Each country/region s Nescafe forms its own strategy to effectively target its audience and generate sales accordingly for the profitability and growth of the company. It is for this reason that some variants are designed

Friday, December 20, 2019

Pudd’nhead Wilson and the Question of Identity - 3195 Words

Pudd’nhead Wilson and the Question of Identity 1. Introduction The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. - Thales The role of identity and is related to various other themes in Mark Twain’s â€Å"Pudd’nhead Wilson† and therefore functions as the main focus in this paper. Basically every major theme in the book somewhat emerges from the question of identity. The first part of the paper deals with the switching of identities and can be considered as a starting point for the development of the novel. Secondly, it leads to the question of nature and nurture and tries to examine the impact of values and upbringing as well as skin color in the formation of character. Another aspect dealing with the issue of identity is honor and†¦show more content†¦Tom discovers his real identity which changes his life drastically. He is finally aware of the fact that he is not white and it become noticeable in various ways. â€Å"It was the ‘nigger’ in him asserting its humility, and he blushed and was abashed. And the ‘nigger’ in him was surprised when the w hite friend put out his hand for a shake with him† P.56 Tom’s behavior is innate and raises the question of nature and nurture, and racial heritage. Even though Tom is now aware of his origin it does not ultimately change all of his behavior and attitude or as it is described in the book â€Å"In several ways his opinions were totally changed,†¦, but the main structure of his character was not changed and could not be changed†. This condition only lasted for a certain period of time until he â€Å"dropped gradually back into his old frivolous and easy-going ways†¦Ã¢â‚¬  p.57 A similar thing happens to Chambers by the end of the story after Tom has gotten convicted to murder and Pudd’nhead Wilson has found out about the real identities of Tom and Chambers. Being a free man, the original Tom does not know how to deal with this situation because â€Å"his manners were the manners of a slave†. He did not learn how to write or to read, nor did he spend much time somewhere else but in the kitchen. In terms of education and manners, it is more likely that Tom has been able to make a step forward than it was for the fake Tom who was supposed to make a stepShow MoreRelated Law and Slave Identity in Dred and Puddnhead Wilson Essay3376 Words   |  14 PagesLaw and Slave Identity in Dred and Puddnhead Wilson What is a slave? A slave, according to many of the laws in the individual slave states during the 19th century, was an article of property, a thing, and an object not human. However, according to another, the 3/5 Compromise of 1787, a slave was worth 3/5 of a white man. 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The question of where and how to find personal freedom prevails in numerous works of American literatureRead MoreMark Twains Ideas of Racism in Huckleberry Finn and Puddnhead Wilson2180 Words   |  9 PagesFinn and Puddnhead Wilson Mark Twain had written two very similar novels that are based on the ideas of racism, or prejudice against certain races,(in this case, Afro-American during his lifetime. These two novels, Huckleberry Finn and Puddnhead Wilson, depict a very satirical yet realistic view of the way society behaves and how people in general live and grow in different social systems or positions. Huck Finn depicts a strong basis on racism and society, where as Puddnhead Wilson illustratesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Phrase I Am Not An American Essay759 Words   |  4 Pagesprovides. He used our freedom of speech to question our leaders, mock hypocrisy and praise those he deemed worthy of praise. He used the freedom of the press to tell the truth, stretch the truth and create his own truth. He created the embodiment of American childhood with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He exposed our institutionalized racism that denied rights to African Americans in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson. He was a Capitalist who started his ownRead MoreHistorical And Literary Representations Of The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe2413 Words   |  10 Pagesblack Americans faced during the Reconstruction period. Mark Twain’s literary work, Pudd’nhead Wilson, maintains that even after the Civil War and the strides black Americans made, race was still a pressing issue in America and its central problems were still lingering. Twain re-defined race, as not by the color of ones skin, but by society’s beliefs and past practices. This definition is brought about in Pudd’nhead Wilson and the intertwined story of Roxy, her white master, and their two sons. RoxanaRead MoreFemale Voices of 1865-19121728 Words   |  7 Pageswomen and working class immigrants-with an ironic stance, as in â€Å"In the Land of the Free† (p. 544-555). Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, Contending Forces (1900), characters articulate views on race problem, full identity and citizenship. Baym (2008) describes Mark Twain’s The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894) as: â€Å"a dark and troubling view of the nineteenth century American values in a Mississippi river town of the 1830’s and centered on the switching of two babies born on the same day-one the result ofRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 PagesLiterature - 1920s The Harlem Renaissance period runs parallel to Modernism Content: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · celebrated characteristics of African-American life enjoyment of life without fear writing defines the African-American heritage and celebrates their new identity as Americans Genre/Style: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · allusions in writing often refer to African-American spirituals uses the structure of blues songs in poetry (ex-repetition of key phrases) superficial stereotypes later revealed to be characters capable of complex

Thursday, December 12, 2019

IT for Business for Connectivity Issues

Question: Discuss about theIT for Business for Connectivity Issues inE-commerce. Answer: Introduction Information security refers to the process of saving the sensitive information of the company from leakage. It helps the organization to make use of electronic software and initiate activities which implement concrete security system in the organization. The new suggests that cross-border e-commerce activities are to be regarded as one of the major development of this field (Ahmed, and Hossain 2014). Further, the report consists of e-commerce business which uses the information security technology. Also, it explains the four links of e-commerce with cyber security, the issues, and solutions as well. Although the information security is a part of the technology business, thus inefficiency of the business hampers the growth of an organization. Connectivity and Security issues The case study states that implementation of digital economy provides both great opportunities and challenges as well. Thus, it shall be noted that information technology is used wisely can create wonders for the organization. Also, connectivity is the cornerstone of the development of the information security system. Further, the major issue of connectivity involves four aspects that are: Connectivity for information: the article states that the only basis for the sales of the e-commerce business is the strong internet connectivity inherited with the business. But there is a huge difference despite fullest efforts of the Asian countries to upraise the use of information communication technology. Looking at the regional infrastructure of the internet it can be said that the speed is average, but not all people use the mobile internet instead the broadband and Wi-Fi service are also prevailing in the market. Thus, the sale process for the business is decreased as low connection due to which customer gets irritated with the services of the online business (Chen 2017). Further, it shall be known that it adversely affect the security system of the organization, as the internet connectivity carry the data and private information of the company from one source to another and if that source is broken, then the company might face issues (Niranjanamurthy, and Chahar 2013). Caches are created by the online websites and if the speed is not satisfactory, due to which the details of the transaction are stored in the computer of the people, and if that information is accessed by some outsider then it can affect the growth of both company and the customers. Also, connectivity in an e-commerce organization is adhered by investing in the fine business process, and if the information technology software is not efficient then automatically is can put the company in risks (Crossler, et. al., 2013). Logistic connectivity: although the e-commerce business activities are initiated on the internet but the logistic process is initiated through offline mode and the details of logistic are delivered to the customer through online mode. Thus, if the information communication technology does in give adequate details about the logistics then the issue can be raised by the customers of the organization which can risk the growth of the company. The ICT and information security practice align the working in the e-commerce business, thus if one of the processes is inefficiency then the other aspect is automatically affected by it and the growth becomes slow (Galliers, and Leidner 2014). Connectivity flow cash flow: the flow of cash is the basic need for which the business process is initiated in the market. And is the process with which revenue is earned in the organization, and then the company cannot survive in long run. In relation to the cash flow which the information security issue, if the electronic system connectivity is not efficient, then the e-payments can expire before time. This can raise issues as customers can say that amount is deducted from their account but it is not delivered to the company (Modi, et. al., 2013). Thus, to resolve this issue, the company shall ensure proper connectivity of internet in the business process. The security of customer, the privacy of transactions is maintained with efficiency internet infrastructure only. As the e-commerce is a non-physical industry thus the customer relies on the company by looking at its user interface and the image of the company in the market. Goodwill can be only maintained if the security is prop erly maintained and issues are properly redressed by the company (Habiba, et. al., 2016). Integrating connectivity: integrating connectivity refers to the process of supporting connectivity by providing extra effort in smooth functioning of the business. The public-private partnership shall develop co-operation with the society so that no non-ethical activities are initiated (Niranjanamurthy, et. al., 2013). Conclusion Thus in the limelight of the above-mentioned events, shall be noted that in an e-commerce industry is it very important to initiate effective internet connection so that transactions are held easily without barrier. The information technology system directly affects the information security system of the organization. As if connectivity is not strong then the working of the company might lose its effect. Recommendation Thus, by looking at the above case analysis it shall be taken in accounts that, information security is a major aspect which shall be looked after the company prevailing in the e-commerce industry. As there is no physical contact with any person in the company therefore if an issue occurs then it becomes typical for the company to find out the main culprit behind the problem. Thus, the adequate measure shall be taken by the company on an initial level so that future is saved. In order to maintain security and detract cyber-crime, the companies shall allow the entry of the customers by encrypted code only. This will initiate security of personal information of the customers. Also, the company shall not outsource their IT related work to other company, as with this they can access the cloud in which crucial detail of the company is stored. Only identified people of the organization shall make use of the price sensitive information. Thus, with these steps, an e-commerce company can init iate adequate security of customer and company's information. References Ahmed, M. and Hossain, M.A., 2014. Cloud computing and security issues in the cloud. International Journal of Network Security Its Applications, 6(1), p.25. Chen, L., 2017. Connectivity issues in e-commerce. Viewed on September 20, 2017 from Crossler, R.E., Johnston, A.C., Lowry, P.B., Hu, Q., Warkentin, M. and Baskerville, R., 2013. Future directions for behavioral information security research. computers security, 32, pp.90-101. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014. Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Habiba, U., Masood, R., Shibli, M.A. and Niazi, M.A., 2014. Cloud identity management security issues solutions: a taxonomy. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 2(1), p.5. Modi, C., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., Patel, A. and Rajarajan, M., 2013. A survey on security issues and solutions at different layers of Cloud computing. The Journal of Supercomputing, 63(2), pp.561-592. Niranjanamurthy, M. and Chahar, D.D., 2013. The study of e-commerce security issues and solutions. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(7). Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S. and Chahar, D., 2013. Analysis of e-commerce and m-commerce: advantages, limitations and security issues. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(6).

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Or Mice And Men Report Essay Example For Students

Or Mice And Men Report Essay Of Mice and Men takes place sometime during the Depression of the 1930 s. The book starts off next to a stream near the Salinas River, a few miles South of Soledad. Then the setting moves to an isolated, lonely looking ranch, where the main part of the story takes place. Then at the end of the book, the setting comes back to where it started. Characters: George – the main character of the book. He is a caring, understanding, and dreams of owning his own piece of land. Lennie – the loyal friend of George. He has a child’s mind and a giant’s body. It is these contrasting qualities that cause him problems. Old Candy – one of the lonely ranch workers. He is a cripple, working as a ‘Swamper’. Crooks – named for his crooked body; he is a proud Negro man that works on the Ranch. He is neat and has a mind of his own. He is a lonely character, who is discriminated against, due to his race. Slim – a ranch worker with leadership qualities. He commands respect from all on the ranch. Curley – the boss’s son who is a light weight boxer. He picks fights with everybody on the ranch. Curley’s wife – the only woman on the ranch. She is very flirtatious. Plot: George and Lennie live during the depression and they wander from town to town doing jobs but Lennie always gets them in trouble. For example, this girl thought Lennie was trying to rape her when he was really just feeling her dress since he liked the material. Lennie dreams of owning a rabbit farm and is mentally retarded. Sometimes he ends up killing animals because he is so strong. When he accidentally kills Curley’s wife problems arise and George has to kill him so they won’t lock him up. Theme: I think that this novel’s theme was loneliness. All of the workers were lonely in a sense, although they had people around them to talk to. They couldn’t let out any of their feelings because another worker could use it against them. The last line of the book– â€Å"What the hell do you suppose is eatin’ them two guys? †Ã¢â‚¬â€œis said by Carlson. Now, why would any person with any sense of sympathy or knowledge of others wonder that? The man just killed his best friend but Carlson didn’t seem to understand because he never had had a good friend, not one that he would feel bad for at least. These men never knew what it is like to share. They have always had to be strong. This to me shows that they were the best examples of loneliness. Conflict: George is the kind-hearted ranch hand who is concerned about his friend Lennie and watches out for him. Because he has a giant’s body and a child’s mind, Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife; at the same time he kills the dream of owning a farm that has kept George and Lennie positive about the future. The climax occurs when Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. George knows that he can no longer save Lennie, for Curley will want revenge. Of Mice and Men ends in tragedy. George feels compelled to mercifully kill his friend and companion, Lennie, in order to save him from a brutal death. Evaluation: The book was sad, but it truly is a great. It describes so many things about life. Some examples are: how dreams help give meaning to life, the importance of friendship, and how life unabashedly kicks you repeatedly down. If you are looking for a book that depicts a rosy existence, this is not the one.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pestle Anaylsis of Snack Food free essay sample

Even we have to bulky purchase from suppliers, it does not affect us so much since the production of preserved fruits is most important part and we own the formula ourselves. 2. Substitutes |Analysis Criteria |Risk Rating | | |High |Medium |Low | |The relative price performance of substitutes |V |   |   | |Switching Costs |V |   |   | |Buyer propensity to substitute    |   |V | |Overall Risk Rating |V |   |   | Preserved fruits are not the compulsory daily items, they can be substituted by any snacks like candy, chips etc. Most of the substitutes are lower price than ours, the product types are more diversified and the packages are fancier as well. More, the promotion are all around us, for example, TV advertisement, magazines, internet etc. Therefore, there are easy to get the information from the substitutes. However, there are several types of people are quite high loyalty on the preserved fruits such as 60’s-70’s people and the Chinese traditional pr eserved fruits which are HK-made seekers. We will write a custom essay sample on Pestle Anaylsis of Snack Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. Buyers Analysis Criteria |Risk Rating | | |High |Medium |Low | |Differentiation of outputs |? |? |V | |Switching costs |V |? |? | |Presence of Substitutes |V |? |? | |Industry concentration relative to buyer concentration |V |? |? | |Importance of volume to buyers |? |? |V | |Cost relative to total buyer purchases |V |? |? |Impact of outputs on the cost of differentiation |? |? |V | |Buyer information about supplier products |? |V |? | |Threat of backward integration |? |V |? | |Overall Risk Rating |V |? |? | Though our products distribution are poor which are no official website, not enough media exposure, some products can be homemade, lesser and lesser HK-made Chinese traditional preserved fruits in HK, so it should be a certain buyers. Since there are lots of substitutes (candy, chips etc) can be replaced preserved fruits and their promotion are all around us like to through the media, internet, they just pay no cost to switch to the substitutes. They can buy the products almost everywhere as convenient shops, supermarkets, stores etc. Also preserved fruits are the insignificant to the buyers overall purchase, so buyers usually do not purchase bulky. 4. New Entrants |Analysis Criteria |Risk Rating | | |High |Medium |Low | |Economies of scale |? |? V | |Proprietary product differences   |? |? |V | |Brand identity |? |? |V | |Switching costs |? |V |? | |Capital requirements |? |? |V | |Access to distribution |V |? |? | |Absolute cost advantage |? |? V | |Government policy |? |? |? | |Expected retaliation |V |? |? | |Industry Profitability |? |? |V | |Stage in industry life cycle |? |V |? | |Overall Risk Rating |? | |V? | The industry of handmade Chinese traditional preserved fruits is in declining in HK, more relat ed-products which are not handmade are rising like the resellers, wholesalers (Aji Ichiban, Okashi Lan). More, our promotion channels are weak because of no official company website and poor media advertisements, it’s quite hard for buyers to have bulky purchase by using the order list from the company website. However, there are 20 retails shops located at the Kowloon, New Territories and Hong Kong Island where most of the shops are closed to commercial buildings, shopping malls and the housing estates. Buyers can buy the products easily. For the reason of lesser and lesser companies to produce the products in HK themselves, that’s the key selling point of our company! And especially the King Preserved Plum ( ) is the signature of our company, therefore, many people are willing to pay higher price to buy the products in HK-made Chinese traditional preserved fruits with good quality. 5. Rivalry Competitors Analysis Criteria |Risk Rating | | |High |Medium |Low | |Industry Growth Rate |   |   |V | |Product Differences |   |   |V | |Brand Identity |   |   |V | |Sw itching Costs |   |V |   | |Informational Complexity |   |   |V | |Concentration and balance |   |   |V | |Industry Commitment   |   |V |   | |Exit Barriers |V |   |   | |Overall Risk Rating |   |   |V | We have a large investment in producing preserved fruits and equipments, unless there is a buyer for preserved products, they may need to remain in the industry even if it is not profitable. Since we can change the suppliers easily, but the more important part is the production, so the cost to quality check for final products are high. And there are rare companies to produce HK-made preserved fruits, the competitors are trying to commitment the industry. Though there are lots of related-products resellers and wholesalers like Aji Ichiban, Okashi Lan, they are just purchase from worldwide, not the HK-made. Lots of people are willing to pay higher to buy the HK-made productions rather the non-HK-made products reseller and wholesalers. The fatal point is we are the well-known as the HK-made Chinese traditional preserved fruits company and even the King Preserved Plum ( ) is the signature of our company. 6. Summary five_force |Risk | |suppliers |Low | |substitutes |High | |buyers |High | |new entrants |Low | |rivalry competitors |Low | |overall |Medium |

Sunday, November 24, 2019

These five techniques will transform your technical writing - Emphasis

These five techniques will transform your technical writing These five techniques will transform your technical writing Here is the gist of a conversation I had with a scientist a few years ago. I was teaching a one-day technical-writing course that she was (reluctantly) attending. ‘What do you write?’ ‘Mainly records of experiments and field trials.’ ‘And do you enjoy writing?’ ‘No, I absolutely loathe it.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because it’s just going to sit in a dusty folder somewhere and no one will ever read it.’ My first thought was that it was going to be a long, hard day. Happily, I was wrong. In this short post, I wont go through the protocols and conventions unique to technical writing, as thats not necessary to get results (although you may find this article on  how to write a paper useful). No, the key is to approach it from first principles – the disciplines every writer, technical or otherwise, should be aware of and practise. 1. Be clear and logical I usually enjoy training scientists. They have one essential quality that’s gold dust for a writer – they’re trained to think logically and clearly. While their PhD may be in low-temperature physics or fluvial dynamics, they bring a rigorous way of thinking thats incredibly helpful when it comes to writing up their work. Refreshingly, they’re also often among the most enthusiastic and intelligent students. When I’m training, the one thing I want people to take away is the power and importance of writing. It obviously helps if you have a love and respect for language as well, but that’s a personal thing. If I could instil in the scientist a sense of pride in her writing, at least, I thought, that would be a start. 2. Focus on the audience For some 15 years, I was the lead writer for Jaguar. I wrote the launches of their cars and all the company’s major conferences and speeches, some of which were highly technical. But the first question any writer has to ask, regardless of the material, is always the same – who is going to read this? Or, if it’s a speech, who is going to listen to it? An automotive engineer, for example, will have a clear understanding of terms such as ‘horsepower’ and ‘torque’ and how they influence a car’s performance. They will also be familiar with the host of abbreviations and acronyms that are common parlance in the engineering community. (Is there a sector that doesn’t have its own jargon or buzzwords?) If a piece of writing is peer to peer, it’s generally fine to use these terms without explanation (but sparingly, please). An engine’s performance may simply be expressed in measurements, graphs and charts – if the information is simply and clearly presented, the knowledgeable reader will be able to extract what they want and interpret it. The writing will have served its primary function, which is to communicate. 3. Consider every word Most drivers, however, would struggle to explain ‘horsepower’ and ‘torque’, let alone the difference between them. Unless they’re fully paid-up petrolheads, all they may know is that a powerful car will have a lot of both. Car manufacturers know this, of course, and that’s when (supposedly sexy) language starts creeping into the writing. ‘Effortless’ and ‘refined power’, for example, are words Jaguar often use to describe torque delivery for the layman. (I fought long and hard to suppress the truly awful ‘waftability’, but it seems to have crept into the marketing.) The point is that you use the appropriate language for the audience. The engineer writing the technical report isn’t selling the car, so they don’t need to use adjectives and adverbs (modifying words) to communicate performance – they can let the stats do the talking. In fact, if they submit their findings to scientific journals, they’ll find that most editors delete modifiers anyway, because at best they’re subjective, and at worst vague and confusing, especially for an international audience. Editors encourage authors to ‘unpackage’ concepts – to present them in simple, clear sentences. 4. Keep it brief Most people have a lot of things they could be doing rather than wading through 50 pages of turgid, unfocused waffle. Know your reader, know what you want to say and know why you’re saying it. Is it relevant to your reader? If not, why are you making them read it? And although you may have spent ages writing something, be aware of ‘Mr Skippy’ – the person who will just skim through the text. He may only read the sub-heads, so make sure they tell the story clearly. 5. Be active and engaging Get people into your writing. The passive voice (‘the trials were conducted †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢) may be the default in most technical writing, but the active voice is more direct (‘we conducted the trials †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢). You dont have to do it all the time: a balance between passive and active is best. But we’re people and we like to read about ourselves, even if it’s just a humble pronoun (‘we’). Incidentally, a surprising number of journals recommend the active voice in their instructions for authors, including Nature. And the reluctant scientist on my course? I saw her for a follow-up class a couple of months later and her writing had improved immeasurably, largely because she was now thinking clearly and writing short, clear sentences. Most importantly, she was taking pride in her writing and even starting to think of publishing her work. It had been a day well spent. Jack can help you improve your team’s technical writing. Call us on  +44 (0)1273 732 888 for a chat to explore how.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

English - Essay Example n reputation and familial obligations subsequently struggled with his attraction to the middle-class Elizabeth Bennet, who despite such, refuses to marry for convenience, but for love. This sets Jane Austen’s remarkable literary masterpiece Pride and Prejudice. In this novel, Austen fosters insurmountable learning and wisdoms to its readers, especially on the perspective of the conditions of women and femininity as set in the 19th century England. It does not merely entertain and captivate the readers on the romance shared by its characters, but deeply embedded is Austen’s portrayal of women’s circumstance during this era. An analysis will then be provided on women especially that of Austen’s women characters’ condition in the aspect of social ranks and courtship and marriage as showcased in the novel grounded in true to life women conditions in England. The novel commenced with the arrival of the wealthy Mr. Charles Bingley, his family and his friend Mr. Darcy. The Bennets, with five daughters, were more than thrilled for their arrival since this will mean an opportunity for any of the Bennet sisters to covet a young and rich bachelor. The newcomers arrived at a ball, in which Austen establishes the characters by highlighting on Mr. Darcy’s perception and behaviour to those not from his social strata, and Elizabeth’s perception or prejudice of arrogance towards Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley forged a relationship with Jane, the eldest of the Bennet sisters. Mr. Darcy, on the other hand, also acknowledged his attraction towards Elizabeth. Several circumstances ensued as Elizabeth has the opportunity to travel to Mr. Darcy’s residence, wherein she received Mr. Darcy’s first proposal, which Elizabeth has refused due to prior prejudice. Elizabeth’s sister, Lydia, has then elopes with Elizabeth’s soldier friend, who used Lydia to emancipate money from his agreement to be married to the sister. However, it was Mr. Darcy who paid Wickham instead of their

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Participation Exercise #5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Participation Exercise #5 - Assignment Example Calculation of a breakeven also aids the business owner in learning the different costs both fixed and variable to easily determine the much they need as capital and that aside to propel the business to profitability. These provide the advantages of calculating the breakeven point before starting a business. The point that aids the business owners realizes the returns from their efforts. The point that defines their real profits the business earns (Rodriguez). During the calculations if the resulting breakeven point indicates a performance below the needed breakeven point, a number of options may aid improve the position. The increase in the selling prices may allow the company to improve the position and increase in volumes of sales provides another option. The circumstances surrounding the business environment determine the action to take with the option to increase the selling price much determined by the competitor’s prices among other factors. An increase in volumes sold will provide a more viable option to improving the position on the breakeven point. Rodriguez, George. Is Your Business successful? 3 Indicators of Success. Powerhomebiz. Viewed on May 1, 2015 from

Sunday, November 17, 2019

History assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History - Assignment Example The increase in the amount of coffee taken to the factories marked the economic resurgence of the United States. In the last years of the 18th century, there was an increase in the amount of cotton production. This was because of the acquisition of slaves from Africa and other economically poor countries in the world. The main reason as to why the United States carrying out their census is so that they can understand and have the ability to plan their future without the fear of having misconceptions on the issue. The compromise that assisted the country to deal with its debt problem was that it had immense national relations with other countries. The fact that its relations with other countries made sure that it received the necessary advice that it required on how to resolve its issues. It learned how to utilize its resources fully while using minimal of them and taking the least amount of time and money. Fallen timbers are stores packed with entertainment material located in the United States in the state of Ohio. The second revolution that terrified many of the United States citizens was the concept of recession. Recession was a factor that faced the United States at the beginning of the 19h century. The country faced a hard economic time during that period and it characterized by hiked prices of basic commodities. The hike in prices instilled a lot of fear in the citizens of the United States. Thomas Pickney became the vice president of the United States of America due to his increased popularity. He also had very strong economic points that gave him a competitive advantage. There was the increased popularity basing from his knowledge in the field of economics. With this background, people had strong backing for him and that was the reason he took the vice president’s position in the country. The XYZ affair refers to the diplomatic actions that took place between the United States and France. The episode involved the two nations making

Friday, November 15, 2019

American Beauty (1999) Summary and Analysis

American Beauty (1999) Summary and Analysis American Beauty tells the story of one mans search for happiness. The film introduces the audience to Lester Burnham, an ordinary- looking married man and father in his forties. Lester is in a loveless marriage. Lesters wife, Carolyn, is so wrapped-up in her real estate career that Lester often claims that Carolyn doesnt even acknowledge him. Furthermore, Lesters daughter, Jane, is completely distant, often claiming how pathetic she thinks her father is. Moreover, Lester has dedicated fourteen years to his occupation, and suddenly, he is in danger of losing his job due to downsizing. All of these factors dramatically effect Lester and culminate into feelings of desperation and vulnerability for him. Lester is therefore in search of an escape and a rebirth. He is seeking the slightest possibility of happiness. Throughout the story Lester is consistently reminiscing on his past; wishing he could have it back. In the beginning portions of the story, Lester, as the narrator, states that it is never too late to regain your past. The catalyst to this frame of thought is Janes friend, Angela. Lester feels excited by the thought that a teen-age girl thinks he is hot. Lester overhears Angela state that she would have sex with him if Lester would start working-out and build-up his body. This drives Lester to change himself completely. Lester, in desperate search of happiness , finds an escape in Angela. Much like a hormone-driven teenage boy, Lester thinks that if he can score with a bombshell like Angela, then he will be reborn. Lesters mission for happiness and escape is further perpetuated by his eighteen year old neighbor, Ricky. In Ricky, Lester sees his model for rebirth. Lester calls Ricky his hero and is in awe of Rickys confidence. Lester, then begins a transformation back to his stereotypical understanding of what a teenager is. Lester begins to work-out, smoke pot, and drink beer. Much like a teen, he rebels against responsibility by quitting his job and; therefore, bypassing his duties as a provider to his daughter and wife. Furthermore, Lester spontaneously, trades in his Mercedes automobile for a 1970s cherry-red Trans Am sports car. In addition, Lester pursues a job with the least amount of responsibility. He finds that job in a fast food restaurant. All of these actions are deemed necessary to Lester because this is the way to escape and thus achieving happiness. The first scene where the audience is introduced to Lesters transformation process is when he first spots Angela. Lester and Carolyn decided to come and support Jane at a school basketball game where she is to perform a dance at half-time. This scene is significant because it shows how Angelas sexuality motivated Lester to rebel against who he is. Furthermore, this scene exemplifies Lesters characteristics as a hormone-crazed male in search of sex. This frame of thought is associated more with teens than with men in their forties. The first two technical elements used to exemplify this scene are composition and camera movement. The scene begins with Lester and Carolyn already in the stands with the crowd. Angela, Jane, and the other cheerleaders enter the picture with right to left movement assisted by a panning camera shot of right to left. This foreshadows the unordinary actions that are about to occur. Almost immediately, into the dance routine, Angela is given an upward position in the frame elevated with dynamic composition. It is dynamic composition because there is movement (Angela dancing) within a fixed frame. By giving Angela an upward position within the frame this suggest Lester is first noticing her. As the scene continues, and Angela has Lesters full attention, Angela is shown moving towards the camera in another dynamic composition shot complemented by the camera zooming in on her. This gives the audience an idea as to the degree of attention that Lester is giving to Angela due to her sexuality. It also enhances her presence. The scene continues with a static composition shot of Lester. It is static composition because there is no movement within the frame. The camera then begins to zoom in on Lester. As the camera zooms, the crowd is eliminated and only Lester is shown in the frame. Furthermore, the camera focuses on Lesters eyes and makes them appear bigger than they actually are. This makes Lester look like an animal drooling at the mouth over something he desires. At this point, the camera performs a point of view shot showing what Lesters eyes are fixated on, and focuses on Angela. This, once again, displays the degree of enchantment that Angela has placed over Lester. Angela is also shown alone in the frame. This shows that in Lesters mind, only Angela and himself exist at this moment. Not even his daughter is of any relevance. The scene concludes with the camera then performing a shot-reverse-shot of Angela then Lester. This allows the audience to see that in Lesters fantasy, Angela is dancing erotically just for him and is paying as much attention to him as he is paying to her. It is important to note that Angela and Lester are never shown in the same frame in this scene. This suggest that there is some barrier that is between them such as the fact that Lester is desiring a girl that is his daughters age. Lighting is another technical element that adds to the effectiveness of this scene. When the camera performs a point of view shot from Lesters perspective to show the audience that he is fixated on Angela; Angela is shown by herself in the frame. As stated above, this is to show that Angela is the only object of Lesters attention. Lighting adds to this effect. Lighting is used to focus the audience on Lesters eyes and to show that he is being enchanted by what he sees. As Angela is shown alone in the frame, the background in the shot becomes completely black. There is a bright light shining on Angela. The source of the light is not clear, and is coming from above Angela. The lighting in the scene is high contrast and low key. It is high contrast because the difference between light and darkness is clear. It is low key lighting because Angelas shadow can be seen behind her and shadows can be seen on the rest of Lesters face, excluding his eyes.. The contributions that the lighting effect has in this scene are many. First of all, the light shining solely on Angela adds to the audience understanding that Angela is the object of Lesters attention. Secondly, light is usually affiliated with good and darkness with bad. The light compliments Angelas characteristics because she is a virgin. Since the source of the lig ht cannot be seen, there can be speculation that the light is one from Heaven, shining down on her to show her innocence. At the same time, Angela is trying to be somebody that she is not. She consistently claims throughout the movie that she is sexually experienced. The darkness in the background of the shot can be the foreshadowing of things to come if she continues on this path of lies. Even though she may be a virgin, unknowingly to Lester; Lester views her and is thinking bad thoughts. He is fixated with her sexuality, as shown through the dance routine his fantasy has Angela perform. Lesters thoughts which represent darkness, are shown as surrounding Angela and her innocence. Editing complements this scene by adding more definition to the relationship-to-be between Angela and Lester. The entire scene uses decoupage. It is decoupage because the cutting is fast paced which suggests an almost chaotic and imbalance perspective to the audience and at the same time it shows that the thoughts that are going through Lesters head are not ordinary, instead they are chaotic. Also, decoupage has a tendency to use close-ups. This scene has plenty of zoom shots of Angela and Lester. Furthermore, it is important to note that Angela and Lester are never shot together in the scene. They are individually shot in a shot-reverse-shot fashion. This suggest a disunity between the both of them. Again, something is separating the both of them, such as the age gap. Not including the absence of decoupage and ellipsis is important in this scene. Absence of decoupage requires a decelerated pace. A slower pace would take away from the chaotic sensation that decoupage brings and; therefore, would not reflect well on the relationship-to-be between Angela and Lester. Using ellipsis would require fast-paced cutting that would c ompare and contrast the actions occurring in this scene with another scene. This would disturb the scene and take away its effectiveness. By showing the degree of passion between Angela and Lester in his fantasy; the audience learns much about Lesters intentions and transformation. The usage of sound adds to the effectiveness of both Angelas moves and Lesters thoughts in this scene. The scene begins with Jane, Angela, and the other cheerleaders dancing to a wordless version of On Broadway. This is parallel diegetic sound because it relates to what can be seen on screen. The usage of this song is important to the theme of this movie. Lester is about to embark on a mission to be free. Lester is going to pursue happiness. In the same way, On Broadway is about pursuing a new experience. On Broadway speaks about coming to New York and being taken aback by all the lights and attractiveness of the city. In the same manner, Lester is about to be taken aback by an American beauty, Angela. Fu rther in the scene, through shot-reverse-shot fashion, only Angela and Lester are in the frame (they are shown separately); the song On Broadway and the crowd cannot be heard. This is an example of contrapuntal sound. Contrapuntal sound involves muting sound beyond what one would normally hear if he/she were in that scene. Using this devise adds to the audience understanding the amount of attention that Lester is giving Angela. Lester, in his fantasy, is so infatuated with Angela that it appears that he can zone-out all the other tremendous noise occurring during a basketball game. During Lesters fantasy, as Angela is dancing in an extremely erotic manner, touching her body all over, a slow and erotic song begins to play. The song has a romantic and Latin beat to it that intensifies the mood from the audiences perspective; providing clues as to what Lesters intentions are with Angela. This is an example of non-diegetic sound. It is sound that does not have its source in the image. The second scene of interest occurs when Lesters erotic dreams are about to become reality. Lester and Angela are in his house. Lester has confessed to Angela that he wanted her since the first time he laid eyes upon her . The scene begins with Lester laying Angela down on a couch so he could have sex with her. This scene is essential because Angela and her virginity is for the taking, but Lester comes to a realization and refuses to have sex. Lester transforms once again, from the teenage rebel he had become, back to the man he was. He came to understand, as most boys do when they become mature men, that sex is not the key element to happiness. Lester did want his past back. However, he wanted back the past that included the family he had lost. Composition and camera movement are used in this scene. As the scene begins, Lester has Angela and is laying her down on the couch. This is a dynamic shot with downward movement. It is dynamic because there is movement within a fixed frame. The downward movement implies an action that is not positive, such as Lester having sex with a teenager. Furthermore, the downward movement implies something lost, such as Angelas virginity and innocence. If they have sex , both of those will be lost forever. This shot is also a canted shot. It is a canted shot because Angela appears at a 45 degree angle in the frame. This suggest that things are bizarre and that Angelas point of view is slanted. A bizarre sex act is about to occur, and Angela is inexperienced, and doesnt know the first thing about why she should be having sex. As the scene continues, the camera pans from left to right and right to left following Lesters hands as they go up and down Angelas body. The camera movement intensifies the erotic feeling in the audience. The camera then moves to a dynamic crane shot , showing Lesters hands unbuttoning Angelas blouse. That shot is then followed by shot-reverse shot of Angela and Lester looking at one another. Angela, is given the low angle, looking-up at Lester, which implies that Lester is in control. This complements the idea that society considers it a macho action for the man to be in control. Still thinking under the mentality of a hormone-crazed teen, Lester feels good. It i s important to note that Lester and Angela are not shown in the same shot during these actions. This implies disunity and an ironic separation because they are about to engage in the most intimate activity two humans can share with one another. It is also important to note, that during the crane shots, Angela is consistently given the higher position in the frame. This implies that she is pure and innocent because usually good elements are given the higher position over bad elements (such as heaven being in the sky and hell down under). As Lester is prepared to begin the sex act, Angela reveals that she is a virgin. It is at this point that Lester realizes what he is doing and stops. This shot is a dynamic shot with a crane. It is as if, by some divine intervention, Lester came to realize the error of his ways before it was too late. The scene concludes with a dynamic shot of Lester apologizing to Angela and, for the first time in this scene, they are scene in the same frame. This time, Lester is given the higher position in the frame. This symbolizes that he has come to a realization and is wise. The usage of lighting in this scene implies many symbolic meanings. Throughout the entire scene Angela is shot with light. For example, when the scene begins, Angela is laid down by Lester on a couch. Angela is wearing a white blouse, the couch she is lying on is white, and the light from outside is dimly shining on her, emphasizing the fact that she is wearing white. The light and the color white represent purity: Angela is a virgin. On the other hand, Lester is shown with even less light. As the came ra follows his hands erotically going up and down Angelas body; Lesters hands are given the least amount light possible in order to emphasize the impurity aspect of what he is doing. The lighting in this scene is low contrast and low key. It is low contrast because the light used was dim and was rather gray. This implies a sense of mystery because the audience knows that Carolyn is on the way to the house to kill Lester. Also, the audience is unsure if Lester is going to go through with having sex with Angela. It is low key because both Angelas and Lesters shadows can be seen. Editing is very significant in this scene. Decoupage is used throughout this scene. Decoupage implies that there will be fast-paced cutting. This is absolutely necessary in this scene in order to add to the excitement of the scene. Angela and Lester are at the point of no return. It is not clear what is going to happen. Fast paced cutting accelerates the speed of the scene, as almost to provide the audience with excitement. In this case, the kind of excitement that a teenage boy, or Lester, in this case, would feel before having sex. However, unlike the previous scene, this scene uses an ellipsis. This takes place when Lester is rubbing his hands around Angelas thighs. The scene cuts to Jane and Ricky. Both of them are about to run away to New York. The ellipsis occurs to show the audience what has caused Jane to do this. Lester never paid attention to Jane. Instead, he focused on her friend. All Jane wanted was atte ntion from her dad, but Lester was preoccupied with being irresponsible and chasing a girl. The scene then switches back to Angela and Lester. It is important to note that Angela and Lester are never shot in the same frame while sex is still a possibility between the both of them. Instead, they are shot in a shot-reverse-shot fashion. When Lester realizes the error he has made, both of them are shot in the same frame as a two-shot showing unity and resolution over the dilemma. Sound is used heavily in this scene. As the scene begins non-diegetic sound is used. This sound has no source in the image. The sound is music played by a piano and chimes. The music gives the audience a sense of the erotica that is occurring on the screen between Angela and Lester. It also serves a connector to Lesters fantasies. Whenever, Lester fantasizes, an erotic song is used. This time, his fantasy is about to come true. The music comes to an abrupt end when Angela reveals that she is a virgin. Suddenly, Lester realizes that he cannot have sex with a teenager. The ending of the music symbolized the conclusion of that fantasy as well as marked his return to manhood. Throughout this scene, it was raining outside. If you were in the scene you would be able to hear raindrops. But not in this case. This exemplifies the usage of contrapuntal sound. The raindrops were not heard during this scene. This gives the audience an idea of the amount of concentration that Lester was, once again, giving Angela. While Angela was around, nothing else mattered to Lester. Lesters inability to deal with difficult situations, combined with his need for freedom and lack for responsibility, appear to have been too much. Unfortunately, he realized that too late.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An Ethical Theory Applied to Business Organizations Essay -- Business

The object of this essay is to establish whether there is an ethical theory that can be successfully applied to business organizations. In order to answer this question, it is necessary first to define the major ethical theories, which are utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics, before determining whether there are any other options. After that, the ethical needs, problems and limitations of work organizations will have to be examined so that the different theories can be evaluated in this context. It will also be important to draw a distinction between the terms â€Å"accurate† and â€Å"useful† as these actually result in two different questions the answer to which need not necessarily be the same. Another essential part of this discussion is the more general question why there should be ethics in work organizations in the first place, and to what extent ethical behavior is feasible in the business world. Hopefully this will provide a framework within which the answer to the essay question can be included. To begin with, the â€Å"traditional† approaches to solving moral problems will be defined, namely those of act-utilitarianism and deontology. These are traditional not because they have existed longer than virtue ethics, but because for a long time they have been the approaches most commonly used as a basis for trying to solve ethical problems. After looking at these two moral theories, the approach of virtue ethics regarding moral dilemmas will be investigated in order to compare differences and advantages as well as problems. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism developed by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. It adopts the consequentialist view that it must be right to make the world a better place and therefore the right action is the one that produces the best consequences. Utilitarianism takes this one step further and defines the action that will produce the best consequences as the one that produces the most happiness. Act-utilitarianism holds that each case should be judged separately in terms of which possible action would maximise happiness; this means that there are no rules to follow, but the theory seems to provide a decision-procedure to act upon in that one acts upon a principle of justice. Intuitively this seems to be an appealing solution to ethical dilemmas. To maximise happiness makes utilitarianism a noble ideal. Furthermore... ...usiness Ethics, Vol.19, No.3, April II 1999 Cicero: Selected Works. Penguin Classics, Harmondsworth - England 1971 Donaldson, D. and Davis, E.: ‘Business Ethics? Yes, But What Can it Do for the Bottom Line?’ Management Decision, Vol 28, 6, 1990 Legge, K.: ‘Is HRM ethical? Can HRM be ethical?’ in Parker, M. (ed.): Ethics and Organisations. Sage Publications - London 1998 Madsen and Shafritz Essentials of Business Ethics. Penguin Books 1990 McDonald, G.: ‘Business Ethics: Practical Proposals for Organisations.’ in Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.19, No.2, April I 1999 McNamara, C.: ‘Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers.’ The Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits 1999 ( McNaughton, D.: Moral Vision. Blackwell - Oxford 1988 Norman, R.: The Moral Philosophers. Clarendon Press - Oxford 1983 Pearson, G.: Integrity in Organisations. McGraw-Hill Book Company - London 1995 Richards, R.: ‘Cicero and the ethics of honest business dealings.’ The Online Journal of Ethics 1997 Townley, P.: ‘Business Ethics: Commitment to Tough Decisions.’ Vital Speeches, pp. 208-211, 1992 (Jan)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Book Review: Heartland the Darkest Hour

My book was Heartland the Darkest Hour. It was written by Lauren Brooke and was 152 pages long. This book was about a girl named Amy who tries to prove to everyone that she can be as good as a professional horse racer. Throughout the book she meets people, that teach her a lesson about how winning isn’t everything. Even though winning is fun, that shouldn’t be why you want to compete. You should have passion in what you’re doing, instead of waiting for fame and fortune. Amy doesn’t realize that you should have passion in what you love to do.She thinks that she is the best horse racer in the world, but that changes when a certain horse and a certain person came into her life and taught her about passion. Ty a friend of hers, had a horse that was the best Amy had seen in her life! It had every trick that had ever been in horse racing history perfected. It had the most amazing speed, and it was very rare. Amy wanted that horse so bad, because she knew she cou ld win with it. She wanted to buy it off of Ty, but he wouldn’t let her. One day Amy asked Ty why she couldn’t buy the beautiful horse, but then Ty asked her a very important question.He said â€Å"Why do you want this horse? † Amy stood there for a minute and thought about what he had asked her. The next day she felt bad because she had been selfish and only wanted the horse for fame and money, not because she loved the horse. At the end of the book, Amy realizes that she needs to have passion in all she does, because without passion â€Å"You’ll never love what your doing. † I think Amy was changed at the end because her attitude was different from the way she treated others in the beginning.At the end of this book, Amy is more kind and doesn’t think to much about her self. I would recommend this book to others because it teaches you not be bratty and selfish, but to be humble and passionate. If you like books about horses, this series wou ld be awesome for you to read. I loved this book because, I started to read it in the beginning, but I didn’t get the story. Towards the middle I finally figured out what the author was trying to say, and it was a very good inspirational message throughout the book. The End

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Immigration essay

buy custom Immigration essay This paper summarizes two articles on immigration. Said (2006) shows how the US illegal immigrants do not have a significant impact on the economy in The Immigration Debate; they neither save it nor harm it. The article demonstrates the use of examples how the immigrants themselves compete for low-wage jobs, thus is not a threat to the Americans employment. However, if they did not take jobs, then many industries would lack cheap labor. Said concludes that immigrants, American households, and industries mainly benefit from this while the government loses on taxes from the expenses on immigrant education and health. In the second article, German Debate Ignores Need for Educated Immigrants Seidel (2010), says that the authorities have different opinions on whether to integrate the Arab professionals or not. The article states that many professionals are emigrating from Germany citing the abuse from politicians as a contributing factor. It may supported by of the speeches of German President in which he mentioned that all religions belong to Germany; while governor Horst Seehofer feels that the country does not need more immigrants from the Arab world. The countrys economy has benefited a lot from the immigrants in the past years. A great number of them are leaving the country rendering it an emigration country. Business people fear that there will be a shortage of labor in the next fifteen years because of this loss. The article, however, does not give enough supporting information and figures about this fact. Additionally, it does not give any recommendations. Though I have read a lot about immigration, however, this is the first time I got two articles that I can compare the status of the U.S. and Germany. Judging from the two articles, one can only be surprised at how the two countries differ on the issue of immigration. The Americans readily integrates immigrants into their society while the Germans have failed to build a multicultural society. Based on the two articles, I feel that immigrants are of immense help to the economy and, therefore, the countries should create more-friendly environment for them. Buy custom Immigration essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Big Changes at Playboy Magazine

Big Changes at Playboy Magazine For decades Playboy magazine has been known for its titillating nude photo spreads and centerfolds. However, a new era is upon us. The magazine will no longer include nude photos as of March 2016 issue.   The U.S. print edition of Playboy will be modernized to look more like men’s magazines, such as Esquire or GQ, which currently carry more PG-13-type pictures. However, Playboy’s international editions will still publish nude photos. A New Era In a letter to readers on, the magazine addressed the momentous change: â€Å"The question everyone will likely be asking is, â€Å"Why?†Ã‚  Playboy  has been a friend to nudity, and nudity has been a friend to  Playboy, for decades. The short answer is: times change. When Hef created  Playboy, he set out to champion personal freedom and sexual liberty at a time when America was painfully conservative. See: any popular movie, TV show or song from that era. Nudity played a role in the conversation about our sexual liberties, and over 62 years the country made great strides politically and culturally. We like to think we had something to do with that.† Playboy, like other forms of print media, has also seen a marked decrease in readership. In its heyday, Playboy had a circulation of 5.6 million in 1975.     According to the Alliance for Audited Media, its circular is a mere  800,000 now. Last year Playboy launched a safe-for-work website that can be viewed any where without fear of pornographic images popping up, which has resulted in younger viewers and more readership overall- quadrupling from 4 million to 16 million visitors. The ubiquity of nudity in today’s world- versus when Playboy launched in 1953- has forced the magazine to get with the times. Pay-per-view soft core porn images have a very limited audience in a world where one can view full-length hardcore films for free in a matter of a few keystrokes. What does this mean for women? For one, the magazine will feature a new sex columnist, one that Playboy’s chief content officer Corey Jones has said will be a â€Å"sex-positive† woman who will write enthusiastically about sex. This particular change is not insignificant and suggests that discussions of sex in the magazine have the potential to be transgressive. Playboy, which calls itself a cultural arbiter of beauty, taste, opinion, humor and style, will also continue its tradition of investigative journalism, in-depth interviews, and fiction. They are hoping that the de-emphasis on nudity will court big name stars and writers that were previously put off by the magazine’s racy content. Since the magazine is no longer relying on nude photos to draw in readers, their choices for future cover girls are reflecting the shift in focus. According to the Hollywood Reporter, openly feminist pop songstress Taylor Swift is Playboy’s first choice for the inaugural non-nude edition in April 2016. It remains to be seen if Swift will agree to the cover. Nevertheless, opponents of pornography, whether hard or soft core  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹and those who believe that media outlets like Playboy exploit women are unlikely to be swayed by Playboy’s move away from nude pictures.   And, indeed, considering that the magazine’s target demographic is young men, one can imagine that the magazine’s impact will be not unlike other men’s magazines such as Maxim, GQ, or Esquire- none of which are known for woman-friendly content and entertainment.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Utilitarianism - Essay Example When people are accorded this right, they are able to earn money to purchase food, clothing and other basic human goods necessary to make them comfortable hence reducing their suffering through these benefits. If there was no utilitarian ethics here, then people would continue suffering for lack of comfort and benefits. Fairness and justice are also related to utilitarianism in that utilitarianism tries to ensure that actions are not only practical but morally acceptable and will not cause suffering. This is basically what fairness and justice is all about, ensuring that people are comfortable and do not suffer as a result of impracticality of the situation. If utilitarian ethics are upheld and utilized by the society, then unfairness and injustice in issues such as work, school and other important areas of society will be eliminated. People will be ensuring that their actions towards others do not cause any form of suffering and are practical

Friday, November 1, 2019

Why does the movie Blackfish address a Marketing problem Essay

Why does the movie Blackfish address a Marketing problem - Essay Example A critical look at the movie would suggest that it essentially inform its audience that SeaWorld, the organization which manages and runs this business, is not only hiding certain important aspects regarding the actual ethical impact of their business but it is also being engaged in activity which can be dangerous not only for the animals but for the humans also. It essentially outlines the need to balance the ethics with informing the target market regarding the overall impact of such activities. (CIEPLY, 2014) Considering the above situation, it is therefore clear that the movie actually highlights the important marketing problem of how the organizations actually fail to maintain effective public relations. The movie clearly outlines as to how the firms actually engage in actions which may attract the negative publicity and hurt the image of the organization. Consumers are increasingly becoming complex and more informed in nature and considering the increase in the overall emphasis on the role businesses can play in ensuring sustainability suggests that marketing requires more ethical orientation towards this. The overall impact of the organizational activities on the consumers and other stakeholders therefore necessitate that the organizations must focus on behaving and acting ethically. Considering the overall situation depicted in the movie, it is clear that the SeaWorld has failed to act ethically and highlights the important ethical issue. It highlights as to how the firm is actually marketing and selling a product which is essentially dangerous for the lives of the consumers and those who interact with them. The blackfish is based upon how the captive Tilikum Orca can actually endanger the lives of others and how the firm actually failed to reveal this and other related information to their target audience. What is critical to note however the fact is that both the firms seem not be acting in ethically and socially responsible behavior. The

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work Discourse on Research Paper

The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work Discourse on Colonialism - Research Paper Example The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism† The capitalism associated with the colonization did not establish any concept of assuring those who were colonized of their rights nor did it impart a system of individual ethics in them as thought (Cesaire 37). These were the ideals that bourgeois following Hitler teachings of, tried to pass onto people colonized in the guise of civilization. Colonization therefore never happened out of innocence and all efforts were used to subdue the locals in some instances through butcheries and massacres. For example, the French through the leadership of Colonel de Montagnac justified invading and capturing Algeria through massacring and maiming a large number of the population resident there. Similarly, General Gerard captured Ambike by shooting all the inhabitants of the particular town and razing it (Cesaire 40). The effect of colonization on the colonized has been minimal, as .none of the nations that were colonized has appreciated the civilizations. The colonized do not feel that the colon ialists brought any form of security or the rule of law but see some form of cruelty and sadism in the way the civilization was introduced (Cesaire 42). Imperialism through the colonialist played a key role in destroying the societies they found in place by making the citizens they found there undergo a lot of suffering and torture. This is contrary to how they found the societies in the sense that the societies that were colonized had lived communally and was not capitalist in nature; neither were the societies run in an autocratic way as they have developed afterwards and in the course of the colonization (Cesaire 44). Mohandas Gandhi in â€Å"The Practice of Satyagraha† advocated for self-rule by the Indians through a concept known as which would bring a society free of exploitation and void of civilization based on mechanization that the Europeans had used to enslave most parts of Asia and Africa. Since 1919, emboldened by the Wilsonian doctrine of self determination, Gan dhi had always wanted independence from the British colonial rule (Gandhi 227) but they strongly opposed it as they desperately wanted to hold onto the Indian sub-continent due to its strategic location and resources. Gandhi had realized that the British government played a trick of divide and rule as a way of colonizing India by playing the differences of the Hindu with the Muslims and therefore he added for their cooperation to defeat the British colonial rule through non-violent protest. In 1997 the Congress Party of India won the elections attributed to the efforts of Gandhi and later India was able to get her independence from Britain in 1946 (Gandhi 228). Satyagraha excludes the use of force or violence for any form of resistance but relies on the people exercising restraint by being humble and seeking the guidance of God in the struggle (Gandhi 230). This means that there is resistance but the non-cooperationist strives to translate ideas into action relying on the correctnes s of his position. Though there were Indians both of Hindu and Muslim religion who advocated for violence as a means of the struggle, Gandhi strongly opposed it as it was not justified in the teachings of the Mahabharata and the Koran unless necessary

Monday, October 28, 2019

Competence in Counseling Essay Example for Free

Competence in Counseling Essay Counseling is the professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems. It is advice, opinion, or instruction given in direction the judgment or conduct of another. Knowing how to posses personal qualities such as maturity, empathy, warmth, understanding, and knowledge. From a legal stand point ethics, morality, and law must be strongly conformed. It is accurate decision-making, knowing appropriate words to use, and knowledge of the governing standards that is required. Also knowing accurate information about culture and ethnicity of the present society. Aspects of Counseling Counseling has been misrepresented over the past years for different types of endorsements of products. In todays time the profession as far as counseling goes is now corresponded within its practice. The focus is on growth and wellness as well as clarification of mental disorders. In order to relate to the counseling field an understanding of guidance and psychotherapy must be understood along with having history of the profession. Guidance is leadership, instruction, or direction by helping others make important choices that affect their future in maintaining a productive and healthy lifestyle. An individual being taught guidance must learn to choose what values them the most in order to produce change within their life. This will give that particular individual a sense of direction by following instructions to becoming a leader. The goal in guidance is to promote resourceful and happy lives of individuals by helping them adjust to social actualities. Psychotherapy is a process focused on helping heal and learn more beneficial ays to deal with problems or issues within an individuals life. It is also a supportive process when going through a difficult time period or either under increased stress. It traditionally focused on serious problems associated with internal issues, personal issues, and conflicts. Normally psychotherapy is recommended when a person is struggling with a life, relationship, work issue, or a specific health concern causing the individual a great deal of pain or upset for longer than a few days. Counselors hold an important position that affect many lives throughout the course of a career. A counselor serves as an advice-giving role in a wide number of areas. There are many types of counselors, including school guidance counselors, psychological counselors, counselors for victims, youth camp counselors and more. Aspects of Counseling The vast majority of counselors are extremely caring people who are dedicated to their work and enjoy helping to make others lives better. There is a wide range of ideal personality traits that are associated with being a top counselor. One of the most important personality traits, if not the most important, is a keen ability to listen. In order to help people and find solutions to problems, the counselor must be a keen listener in order to best help the person seeking counsel. Counselors should also have an understanding of human psychology and possess a strong sense of sensitivity. Another ideal character trait for a counselor is having a strong sense of direction in order to find the best path to success for the people whom they counsel. Having a strong sense of direction usually solves problems more quickly and efficiently. Ideal counselor personality traits are a commitment to the profession, humanity and the client. The ideal counselor serves the assistance of the clients. The counselor will develop meaningful and trusting relationships with their clients and insure that this trust is not shaken or broken. An ideal counselors personality has a consumer first attitude and should represent a supporter and guidance role with nurturing characteristics to assist in the creation of a reliable bond between the client and the counselor. Other quality traits include their knowledge of the profession and its standards of practice, along with some background in psychology. A good organizational personality trait of a counselor is their willingness to promote efficient case management techniques. Aspects of Counseling As an effective counselor one of the main qualities needed is patience. Go to the next step of explanation only when the patient has clearly understood the content of the information you have provided. Therefore the counselor needs to have enough sufficient time for the patient, and should also be a good listener. Let the patient express everything he/she has to say, and give your inputs once when the patient has finished talking. A counselor should be very observant and able to interpret non-verbal communication for example if the patient looks angry, and then find out the cause of his/her anger first. An effective counselor should provide non-possessive warmth in a counseling environment. Smile and show concern and acceptance by showing comfort, empathy, and understanding to the patient. Counselors should have good knowledge on the topic /problem like compliance to medication. Some people do not take medication for the same reasons, while others demand medication. Understanding the factors why people may not do certain activities at specific time will help you to assist them better. Try to understand the feelings the patient is having in the counseling process. In other words put yourself in his/her position. Give the patient the opportunity to make his/her own decision from your message. Lastly be sure to make it aware to the patient that you as their counselor maintain confidentiality on what the patient tells you. This means that counseling must be done individually and privately. Letting the patient know that you maintain a high degree of personal reliability, trustworthiness and mutual trust as an effective counselor. Aspects of Counseling As there are three different levels of counseling relationships to be aware of nonprofessional, paraprofessional, and professional. Nonprofessionals would be considered as family, friends, colleagues, untrained volunteers, or supervisors who try in assisting those who are in need. Secondly, paraprofessionals are individuals who have received some sort of training in human relations. Lastly professionals are those who are educated with the nowledge to provide assistance on a protective and corrective level. While being the ideal, effective, and professional counselor you must also keep in mind that you must follow the ethical and legal aspects of counseling also. Ethics is defined as a philosophical discipline that is concerned with human conduct and moral decision-making. You should also familiarize yourself with morality, which involves judgment or evaluation of action, and another major definition to know is law, which is the precise organization of governing standards that are established to ensure legal and moral justice. The law does not dictate what is considered to be ethical but what is considered to be legal. Ethical codes are there to protect the profession from government. They allow the professions to control itself and functions independently instead of being controlled by legislation. In making ethical decisions counselors familiarize themselves with casebooks, professional colleagues, and principles. It is very crucial that counselors become well knowledgeable with ethics for the sake of their own well-being and of their patients as well. Multicultural psychology focuses on the cultural differences in thought processes and acceptable vs. nacceptable behaviors. It relates to normal lives such as home, education, work and relationships but also to what is considered abnormal or normal. Aspects of Counseling Knowing your patient plays a huge factor in counseling sessions as well. To know the cultural background of your patient can help you better relate to them as an individual. Many cultural ethnic groups live in the United States. A culture is behaviors, thoughts, perceptions, values, goals, and cognitive processes. An issue in multicultural counseling is the dominance of theories based on cultural values. A second issue is sensitivity to cultures in general, believes that are essential to counselors is knowledge of culturally different patients. Knowing that everyone is their own unique person, and have their own views on different things in today’s society. The counselor must also have the skills to work with patients of different cultures. Counselors must work in order to know their patients and their problems. European Americans when taken into consideration is a larger diverse population they are very common to the people of the United States. When counseling African Americans a counselor must understand the history, and coping mechanisms. Hispanics/Latinos a very diverse group as well, and regardless to their background they are very bicultural. Asian and Pacific Islanders are considered as hard working, successful, and not prone to mental or emotional distress. When dealing with many diverse groups like this a common theme is that counselors who work with a variety of culturally different patients must be knowledgeable about them collectively.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay -- Immigrants Aliens USA Mexicans

Illegal Immigration   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most controversial political issues of today is that of illegal immigrants from Mexico. Illegal immigration into the United States is a problem that should be stopped, as it is unfair to both Americans and to the people of the country from which they illegally immigrated. It is thought that the majority of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. are Mexicans (Anderson 55). Roy Beck clarifies the situation by stating, "The national consensus is that the United States should be a post-mass immigration country has included most leaders of business, religion, labor, academia, and social work." Illegal immigration from Mexico must be stopped by means of different policies and other methods of prevention, because the effects on both Mexico and the United States are predominately unfavorable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are multiple policies and means of preventing illegal immigrants from entering the United States. Immigration laws are the back bone of illegal immigration prevention. Proposition 187 is a tough immigration law clamping down on illegal aliens, used in California. It doubled the number of boarder guards, made it harder for legal immigrants to bring their families over, not permitting as much political help and was harder on illegal aliens already here (DiConsiglio 3). NAFTA, officially, hasn’t reduced as much illegal immigration as had been hoped, but, it helped Mexico recover faster from it’s economic crisis in ‘94-’95, which has stopped a larger flood of people, since most immigrants tend to come to the U.S. in times of Mexican economic depression ("Mexico" 2). The major reason Mexicans tend to illegally immigrate is to find jobs. Therefore, elimination of the chance of them getting a job would be a problem. A bill shown to the Ho use, by California would let the employer enter a job applicant’s social security number over the phone to receive confirmation, of a person’s official citizenship (DeMott 31). That would work in conjunction with the need for proper documentation to be shown to employer for current verification of legal citizenship, limiting their job opportunities and thus discouraging them from ever illegally immigrating. The Border Patrol is the most effective and widely used form of prevention. It is an agency of Immigration and Naturalization, that is charged with detecting and preventing illegal passage to the... ...ent crimes, twice as many unemployed, more than twice the welfare dependency, and more than seven times as much crowded housing (Beck77). These statistics are astonishing and represent the essence of the impact of illegal immigration on America. The following statement by Lydia Anderson exemplifies the effects of illegal immigrants and the discourtesy they have for America: Whether they take jobs or burden our social services, however, the continued influx of illegal immigrants promotes disrespect for the law and seriously limits our ability to control out immigration policy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Illegal immigration from Mexico is a problem and must be stopped using different means of prevention we can avoid any negative repercussions on Mexico and the U.S. It is an economic drain on the U.S. and it is degrading the condition of American society as a whole. Frank Sharry, of the liberal National Immigration Forum has said, "There is virtually a national consensus that illegal immigration is a problem." With this in mind, in a few years, there will be new policies implemented that will virtually wipe out illegal immigration, mainly focused on preventing illegal aliens from acquiring jobs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intro speech Essay

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. It was first famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the one-hour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement. The event is held worldwide and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour 2013 was celebrated on March 23, 2013. Earth Hour 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during participants’ local time. -2004: in Sydney not so famous – 2007: Become well known -2008: Earth Hour 2008 was held internationally on March 29, 2008 from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. local time, marking the first anniversary of the event. With 35 countries around the world participating as official flagship cities and over 400 cities also supporting, Earth Hour 2008 was celebrated on all seven continents. Landmarks all around the world turned off their non-essential lighting for Earth Hour, including the Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia), Empire State Building (New York City, USA), (examples) 2008 participants[edit] Earth Hour 2008 included 26 major cities worldwide and 300 smaller towns shutting off their lights.[6] 2009: Earth Hour 2009 was from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, March 28, 2009. 88 countries and 4,159 cities participated in Earth Hour 2009,[37] ten times more cities than Earth Hour 2008 had (2008 saw 400 cities participate).[38 96 countries on 6 continents participated in the event in 2009. – 2010: Earth Hour 2010 was held from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, 27 March.[49] In Israel, the hour was held on 22 April.[50] Earth Hour 2010 was reportedly the biggest Earth Hour yet, aiming to garner more than the one billion participant goal of 2009’s Earth Hour.[51] 126 countries participated in Earth Hour 2010.[52] 2011: Earth Hour 2011 was the biggest year in the campaign’s five year history, reaffirming it as the largest ever voluntary action for the environment. It took place in a record 5,251 cities and towns in 135 countries and territories in all seven continents.[59] It had an estimated reach of 1.8 billion people across the globe. In addition to this, the campaign’s digital footprint grew to 91 million. – 2012: Earth Hour 2012 was observed on 31 March 2012 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (participant’s local time).[66] It took place in more than 7000 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories, making it the biggest growth year for the campaign since 2009. In February, Earth Hour launched its 2012 campaign â€Å"I Will If You Will†, with the intention of engaging its growing global community to go beyond the hour and coordinate efforts publicly through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and e-mail. Using a dedicated YouTube platform,[67] IWIYW asks Earth Hour’s digital community to inspire people from all corners of the globe to take sustainability actions, and to share their commitment to the environment with their own social media networks. -2013: Earth Hour 2013 was held across the world on Saturday, March 23 at 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time[71] to avoid taking place after European Summer Time begins, ensuring the greatest impact of the lights off ev ent. It is also to avoid coinciding with Western Christianity Holy Saturday, which falls on March 30 of that year. 2014: Earth Hour 2014 announced the date will schedule on March 29 as seen on the 2013 Earth Hour highlights >> â€Å"I will if you will† Campaign: â€Å"I Will If You Will† (IWIYW) is an Earth Hour campaign to encourage positive  action for the environment. The actions required are up to the individual or group. They could be big or small and it might be a simple lifestyle change or perhaps something that leads to political change. The campaign intends for people to become the inspiration to their friends, family, colleagues and communities by sharing what they’re willing to do to protect the planet. Challenges can be created or accepted on Earth Hour’s YouTube channel. Many organization supports and celebrity endorsement – The Earth Hour Global FAQ page states: Earth Hour does not purport to be an energy/carbon reduction exercise, it is a symbolic action. Therefore, we do not engage in the measurement of energy/carbon reduction levels for the hour itself. Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals, businesses and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges. Participation in Earth Hour symbolises a commitment to change beyond the hour.[86]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Chrysalids

THE CHRYSALIDS – FINAL RESPONSE The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham is a story about a world where people will not accept differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. There are many themes in this story. A major theme is satire. David’s society is â€Å"mocking† our society, in real life. Societies, David’s and ours have many similarities. Ever since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the color of their skin, or another physical appearance, we all have judged or have been judged unfairly by the people around us. Another major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and people outside of Waknuk, it shows that people differ in viewpoints, and have different ways of seeing things. We are ignorant when we do not see the way others see things, or when we do not accept other because of their differences. In many cases, a person is â€Å"shunned† from a group because others do not like a certain characteristic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are cast out because others are afraid of their differences that make them superior, or more advantageous. In the novel, the people of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid of the group’s ability. Trust is also a theme of this story. David has many people around him, but he cannot trust everyone. Once you get to know a person, you can develop and discover a trust between you. David develops a very strong trust with his Uncle. They share everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not trust his father, even though his relation means there should be a stronger bond. Anne trusted Alan more than she trusted the group. This is an example of ignorance, and not taking the time to get to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet gripping journey about inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and lastly solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that humans can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us humans are one have the most powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we usually do not take notice, and waste that life, or use it the wrong way. Human nature is something that will always exist. Without it, we would have no ideal world. ———————– The Chrysalids THE CHRYSALIDS – FINAL RESPONSE The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham is a story about a world where people will not accept differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. There are many themes in this story. A major theme is satire. David’s society is â€Å"mocking† our society, in real life. Societies, David’s and ours have many similarities. Ever since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the color of their skin, or another physical appearance, we all have judged or have been judged unfairly by the people around us. Another major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and people outside of Waknuk, it shows that people differ in viewpoints, and have different ways of seeing things. We are ignorant when we do not see the way others see things, or when we do not accept other because of their differences. In many cases, a person is â€Å"shunned† from a group because others do not like a certain characteristic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are cast out because others are afraid of their differences that make them superior, or more advantageous. In the novel, the people of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid of the group’s ability. Trust is also a theme of this story. David has many people around him, but he cannot trust everyone. Once you get to know a person, you can develop and discover a trust between you. David develops a very strong trust with his Uncle. They share everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not trust his father, even though his relation means there should be a stronger bond. Anne trusted Alan more than she trusted the group. This is an example of ignorance, and not taking the time to get to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet gripping journey about inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and lastly solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that humans can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us humans are one have the most powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we usually do not take notice, and waste that life, or use it the wrong way. Human nature is something that will always exist. Without it, we would have no ideal world. ———————–