Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How Do Floods Occur Essay Example for Free

How Do Floods Occur Essay When floods develop, the places in which they do so are called water sheds. These water sheds can be either man made or they can be natural. A watershed is defined as an area that is between a land mass and a water source. A watershed can be a lake or a river. If this particular watershed is working appropriately, then the water should be drained into the ground naturally. However, if there is too much snowfall or rainfall, then the watershed cannot hold so much water and this results in overflowing of the water. However, when we are talking about the water sheds it is just not a small quantity of water but we are talking about huge volumes. So, a lot of water can actually drown an entire city. A combination of rains and excessive water can form the perfect recipe for a flood. When it rains the water levels constantly rise up and the rivers or lakes that act as water sheds cannot hold anymore water and so they also start overflowing and this results in a major flood. Even humans are some of the contributing factors to a flood actually. With so much development in the form of roads, infrastructure and buildings, there is very left ground left. So, there is no mud left for absorbing the water that comes in the form of rainfalls. If there are drains available, then the waters naturally flow into the drains and then led to the sea. However, when the drains are full due to continuous rainfall, then the cities get flooded.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Kasimir Malevich :: Russian Painter Designer Artists Essays

Kasimir Malevich Kasimir Malevich, a Russian painter and designer, was born near Kiev on February 26, 1878 ( and was â€Å"one of six children from Russified Poles† ( While living in Ukraine, he became absorbed into art during his teens, â€Å"largely teaching himself† the basics ( After saving his money â€Å"from his job as a railroad clerk† (, Malevich enrolled in the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture in 1903 and began to study art more seriously. Later he trained at Kiev School of Art and Moscow Academy of Fine Arts and â€Å"produced portraits, landscapes, and genre scenes† in his early stages of his career ( By 1907 Malevich â€Å"took part in the Moscow Artists' Society's twice yearly exhibition along with such artists as David Burliuk, Aleksander Shevchenko and Natalia Goncharova† ( â€Å"He began working in an unexceptional Post-Impressionist manner, but by 1912 he was painting peasant subjects in a massive `tubular' style similar to that of Leger as well as pictures combining the fragmentation of form of Cubism with the multiplication of the image of Futurism† ( In these initial years of study, art was not the only interest in Malevich’s repertoire. â€Å"In 1913, with composer Mikhail Matiushin and writer Alexei Kruchenykh, Malevich drafted a manifesto for the First Futurist Congress† ( and began taking a â€Å"more philosophical and theoretical approach to art† ( Also in that year, the artist â€Å"designed the sets and costumes for the opera Victory over the Sun† for these friends which was showed at the Salon des Independants in Paris in 1914. Kruchenykh and others introduced Malevich to the â€Å" the notion of ‘zaum’† in 1913, which was a â€Å"state where experience occurs beyond the naturally perceived world† ( â€Å"This concept and his work for the Cubo-Futurist opera Victory Over The Sun (1913) propelled Malevich into the style of Suprematism† ( It was at this time he began â€Å"creating geometric patterns in style he called Suprematism† ( Although Malevich claimed to have created a picture â€Å"consisting of nothing more than a black square on a white field,† (ibiblio.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Its All About the Law Paper Essay

Many states fail when it comes to providing policies that support the rights of English Language Learners. According to Quality Counts 2009, only New York, Florida and Arizona mandate that teachers receive training on how to work with English Language Learners. Research shows that approximately eleven states offer incent for incentives for teachers to get bilingual credentials. Certain states offer policies that try to stop the process for teachers and support staff to assist students in keeping an attachment to their native languages. In 2009, Quality Counts asserted that, seven states—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin, placed bans or restrictions on the use of native-language instruction with English Language Learners. Citizens in these states however are voting to bring about a change. As it was quoted by Judge William Douglass, â€Å"Under these state-imposed standards there is no equality of treatment merely by provid ing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers, and curriculum; for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education. We know that those who do not understand English are certain to find their classroom experiences wholly incomprehensible and in no way meaningful.†(Wright 2010). The Massachusetts English Language Education in Public Schools Initiative, which some call Quest, was approved in Massachusetts. The Objective of Question 2 was to have ESL students be immersed into learning English by requiring all their subjects in English. In addition to the fast track curriculum, students would be placed in English language classrooms. Students that could not successfully complete assignments in English and whom could not speak English would go through a year long sheltered English immersion program. If and when the student is able to complete schoolwork in English, the student would then transition into an English language mainstream classroom. ( Ron Unz is the individual responsible for Proposition 203 in Arizona. Also referred to as the Unz initiative, proposition 203, is a proposal that 63% of Arizona citizens voted for on November 7, 2000. Proposition 203 minimizes the amount of instruction available to English language students. Because of a shortage in bilingual teachers the freedom that Arizona schools once had in educating English Language Learners has been reduced. The resolve to this issue is again a rapid English immersion program. According to the legislative program, parents or guardians of English Language Learners can request for their children to sit out of the English Immersion Program under these specific circumstances. The circumstances were as followed: If it could be proven that the child already knows English, if the child is older than grade school age or if the child is identified as having special needs. (Wright 2005) In Colorado, Amendment 31 was the initiative placed in front of citizens to vote on. Colorado’s proposal was on the November 2002 ballot as a constitutional amendment. To the dismay of ESL Learners, the initiative was not accepted. The law, if accepted, would make it mandatory for all public school students to have to learn their schoolwork in English, unless otherwise exempted. According to the website, it would be required for school districts to identify (with evidence) English learners, and to test their English proficiency once a year. Consequently, stakeholders established programs to educate ESL students English skills. This was necessary to participate in a school’s regular educational program. Over 70,000 public school students, or approximately nine percent of Colorado’s public school enrollment, qualified as an English learner. ( The types of programming English Language Learners received are as followed. English Language Learners received assistance through one of the following options: 1. English as a Second Language: Students are taught mainly or entirely in English with some native tongue assistance. 2. Bilingual education programs- English Language Learners are taught in their native language how to learn English 3. Dual language programs or dual immersion programs: Subjects are taught in two languages in order to develop proficiency in both languages. Requirements for this program is that these programs must be fluent in English or be English learners. In closing, in analyzing the three different state proposed legislatures of Colorado, Arizona and Massachusetts, they are all similar in objective. The difference is that Colorado initiative was not accepted. The similarity of three initiatives is that they were all fighting for English Immersion classes for English Language Learners. The English for the Children campaign was spear headed or supported in California, Arizona and Massachusetts by Ron Unz. In some states the percentages of English Language Learners is great in volume. Thus ESL they would ultimately benefit from the initiatives the most. References Colorado English Amendment 31(2002). Retrieved October 17, 2012.,_Amendment_31_%28200 Massachusetts English in Public Schools Initiative, Question 2 (2002 .Retrieved October 16, 2012†¦/Massachusetts_English_in_Public_Schools_I†¦ Wright, W.E. (2005). The political spectacle of Arizona’s Proposition 203. Educational Policy, 19,662-700.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Eddies Death in Arthur Millers A View From the Bridge...

Eddies Death in Arthur Millers A View From the Bridge Arthur Miller described this play as being the slum that faces the bay on the seaward side of Brooklyn Bridgeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the gullet of New York Arthur Miller was born on October 1915, in New York City. His parents were both immigrants to the USA. Millers family lived in prosperity due to the success of his fathers clothing manufacturing business. However as the clothing manufacturing collapse, the family became bankrupt, with the American Economy as a whole following the Wall Street crash. Following the Wall Street crash, Miller worked as a longshoreman in New Yorks Brooklyn harbour. He experienced a dangerous and mysterious world at the†¦show more content†¦When Beatrices cousin, Rodolfo and Marco (two brother seeking refuge in the USA) appeared on the scene all things changed as the story finally unfolds in a tragic bloody death. Eddies wife, Beatrice, was aware of the deeper, more disturbing reason for Eddies protectiveness towards Catherine. Nevertheless, Catherine is very selfish in her behaviour, had Catherine listened to Eddie and retained respect for him, she might have not have fallen for Rodolfo and caused the chain of events leading to the tragedy. Catherine should have been more conscientious, more obedient and resisted Rodolfos advance at Eddies behest. Catherine was careless, absent minded and inattentive. Beatrice is liable for Eddies death based on the fact that she has not provided Catherine with the correct advice. Moreover, Beatrice encourages Catherine to be independent and therefore misleading her. In provoking Catherine with phrases as you got to keep yourself more, and go ahead, dance Rodolfo Beatrice forms a protective barrier, forcing Eddie to back off Catherines case in becoming an independent girl and move ahead her relationship with Rodolfo. Beatrice saw the unhealthy attraction between Catherine and Eddie but acted ineffectively and too late to stop it. You want somethin else, Eddie, and you can never have her! Following the traditional law of the communityShow MoreRelatedSelf-Discipline Is the Best Discipline: A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller1484 Words   |  6 Pagesactions and connections with others often exhibit a flaw that directly correlates to their downfall. While researching the underworld of the Brooklyn docks, Arthur Miller overheard a story that demonstrates just this. Naturally, the plot follows tragic form; however, in retelling the storing, Miller adds a few twists. Miller fuses elements from Greek and Christian tragedies, all the while redefining a tragic hero. Expectedly, the main character, Eddie, exhibits a tragic flaw. Because Eddie cannot acceptRead MoreThe Domination of Female Characters in A Streetcar Named Desire and A View from the Bridge1278 Words   |  6 PagesThe plays A Streetcar Named Desire and A View from the Bridge are both plays that focus on mainly the theme of domination of the female characters by the males. Where A Streetcar Named Desire is a Southern Gothic, A View from a Bridge is a tragedy that is actually similar to Williams’ play as they both end tragically for the main character. Each playwright uses their own method and techniques in order to get the message or point of view across to the audience members. 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(the View from the Bridge)1230 Words   |  5 Pagesjudgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy.† ( The play, A View from the Bridge written by Arthur Miller defines the character Eddie, the protagonist, as occupying most of the qualities for a tragic hero. Eddie in A View from the Bridge came from a noble family background and had failed to realize his weakness that he had love for his niece. In this case, this love is not an adopted daughter and a fatherRead More Discuss the dramatic effectiveness of A View From the Bridge with1702 Words   |  7 Pageseffectiveness of A View From the Bridge with reference to one or two key scenes. Arthur Miller wrote A View form the Bridge in 1955. He wrote the play in the style of a Greek tragedy set in the 1940s America. Arthur Miller was interested in the lives of dockworkers and longshoremen. This was because he previously worked in Brooklyn on the docks and his parents were immigrants. 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Hostility, aggression and masculinityRead MoreEssay on Arthur Millers A View From the Bridge909 Words   |  4 PagesArthur Millers A View From the Bridge A View From The Bridge is set in early 1950s America at a time when it was very common for illegal crime syndicates to transport illegal immigrants into America for large sums of money. It is based around a small family who decide to have two of their relatives imported from Italy so they can try and make some money for their poor families back home. The play covers many issues including aggression, hostility and the trueRead MoreA View from the Bridge: Story of a Brooklyn Longshoreman6101 Words   |  25 PagesArthur Miller first heard the story of a Brooklyn longshoreman that would become the basis for his play, A View from the Bridge in 1947. He would not write it until 1955, when it was produced on Broadway as a simple, unadorned one-act. 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