Saturday, December 28, 2019

Advertising Strategy of Redbull - 2905 Words

Introduction One of the leader in the energy drink market, Red Bull was created in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz and now produces an annual turnover of more than 3 billion Euros (Gschwandtner 2004). Red bull is an internationally popular energy drink that is intended to taste like mixed berries. Red Bull is packaged in a slim aluminium blue and silver container with two red bulls as the logo. It provides 8.3 US fl. oz. of thirst quenching power fluid and contains 80 mg. of pure caffeine; this energy drink combats mental and physical fatigue (Redbull 2011). Red Bull however, was not always Red Bull; this energy drink originated in Thailand and it was sold under the name â€Å"Krating Daeng†. For more than 20 years, Red Bull has managed to†¦show more content†¦The consumers would be looking for a â€Å"pick me up† in order to complete work. Maybe the college student has a paper due soon and will be pulling an â€Å"all-nighter† to complete it, or the business person has a report that they need to present to their boss the next day. They are looking for something to keep them focused though out that long night. Public Service Employees such as; Police, Military and Fire Fighters are also in the target market of this company. These jobs require extremely long hours of shift work. For example the Fire Fighters and Police shift may start at 1:00 am. This is a time when the body is normally sleeping, so these consumers would look for something to wake them up. Personally, after going through officer school training previously when I was serving my National Service (NS) there were times when I had to stay awake for over 48 hours straight, and I was constantly feeling the urge for an energy drink to take that sleepy feeling off. Fitness buffs are also in the market for Red Bull. These people tend to look for an â€Å"edge† while working out. Buyers pass through three consumer response stages; cognitive, affective and behavioural (Percy 2008). This is the â€Å"learn-feel-do† sequence of how the consumer s perception is relative to a product. I will look at the Communicative Model of how the consumer passes throughShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Commercial Advertisement Essay examples1639 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstand it and its effects and whether it is proving for what it are made. We have heard a very common slogan named as â€Å"RedBulls Gives You Wings†. It is the very popular television advertisement of RedBulls energy drink with many advertisement prints and different characters. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Pudd’nhead Wilson and the Question of Identity - 3195 Words

Pudd’nhead Wilson and the Question of Identity 1. Introduction The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. - Thales The role of identity and is related to various other themes in Mark Twain’s â€Å"Pudd’nhead Wilson† and therefore functions as the main focus in this paper. Basically every major theme in the book somewhat emerges from the question of identity. The first part of the paper deals with the switching of identities and can be considered as a starting point for the development of the novel. Secondly, it leads to the question of nature and nurture and tries to examine the impact of values and upbringing as well as skin color in the formation of character. Another aspect dealing with the issue of identity is honor and†¦show more content†¦Tom discovers his real identity which changes his life drastically. He is finally aware of the fact that he is not white and it become noticeable in various ways. â€Å"It was the ‘nigger’ in him asserting its humility, and he blushed and was abashed. And the ‘nigger’ in him was surprised when the w hite friend put out his hand for a shake with him† P.56 Tom’s behavior is innate and raises the question of nature and nurture, and racial heritage. Even though Tom is now aware of his origin it does not ultimately change all of his behavior and attitude or as it is described in the book â€Å"In several ways his opinions were totally changed,†¦, but the main structure of his character was not changed and could not be changed†. This condition only lasted for a certain period of time until he â€Å"dropped gradually back into his old frivolous and easy-going ways†¦Ã¢â‚¬  p.57 A similar thing happens to Chambers by the end of the story after Tom has gotten convicted to murder and Pudd’nhead Wilson has found out about the real identities of Tom and Chambers. Being a free man, the original Tom does not know how to deal with this situation because â€Å"his manners were the manners of a slave†. He did not learn how to write or to read, nor did he spend much time somewhere else but in the kitchen. In terms of education and manners, it is more likely that Tom has been able to make a step forward than it was for the fake Tom who was supposed to make a stepShow MoreRelated Law and Slave Identity in Dred and Puddnhead Wilson Essay3376 Words   |  14 PagesLaw and Slave Identity in Dred and Puddnhead Wilson What is a slave? A slave, according to many of the laws in the individual slave states during the 19th century, was an article of property, a thing, and an object not human. However, according to another, the 3/5 Compromise of 1787, a slave was worth 3/5 of a white man. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

IT for Business for Connectivity Issues

Question: Discuss about theIT for Business for Connectivity Issues inE-commerce. Answer: Introduction Information security refers to the process of saving the sensitive information of the company from leakage. It helps the organization to make use of electronic software and initiate activities which implement concrete security system in the organization. The new suggests that cross-border e-commerce activities are to be regarded as one of the major development of this field (Ahmed, and Hossain 2014). Further, the report consists of e-commerce business which uses the information security technology. Also, it explains the four links of e-commerce with cyber security, the issues, and solutions as well. Although the information security is a part of the technology business, thus inefficiency of the business hampers the growth of an organization. Connectivity and Security issues The case study states that implementation of digital economy provides both great opportunities and challenges as well. Thus, it shall be noted that information technology is used wisely can create wonders for the organization. Also, connectivity is the cornerstone of the development of the information security system. Further, the major issue of connectivity involves four aspects that are: Connectivity for information: the article states that the only basis for the sales of the e-commerce business is the strong internet connectivity inherited with the business. But there is a huge difference despite fullest efforts of the Asian countries to upraise the use of information communication technology. Looking at the regional infrastructure of the internet it can be said that the speed is average, but not all people use the mobile internet instead the broadband and Wi-Fi service are also prevailing in the market. Thus, the sale process for the business is decreased as low connection due to which customer gets irritated with the services of the online business (Chen 2017). Further, it shall be known that it adversely affect the security system of the organization, as the internet connectivity carry the data and private information of the company from one source to another and if that source is broken, then the company might face issues (Niranjanamurthy, and Chahar 2013). Caches are created by the online websites and if the speed is not satisfactory, due to which the details of the transaction are stored in the computer of the people, and if that information is accessed by some outsider then it can affect the growth of both company and the customers. Also, connectivity in an e-commerce organization is adhered by investing in the fine business process, and if the information technology software is not efficient then automatically is can put the company in risks (Crossler, et. al., 2013). Logistic connectivity: although the e-commerce business activities are initiated on the internet but the logistic process is initiated through offline mode and the details of logistic are delivered to the customer through online mode. Thus, if the information communication technology does in give adequate details about the logistics then the issue can be raised by the customers of the organization which can risk the growth of the company. The ICT and information security practice align the working in the e-commerce business, thus if one of the processes is inefficiency then the other aspect is automatically affected by it and the growth becomes slow (Galliers, and Leidner 2014). Connectivity flow cash flow: the flow of cash is the basic need for which the business process is initiated in the market. And is the process with which revenue is earned in the organization, and then the company cannot survive in long run. In relation to the cash flow which the information security issue, if the electronic system connectivity is not efficient, then the e-payments can expire before time. This can raise issues as customers can say that amount is deducted from their account but it is not delivered to the company (Modi, et. al., 2013). Thus, to resolve this issue, the company shall ensure proper connectivity of internet in the business process. The security of customer, the privacy of transactions is maintained with efficiency internet infrastructure only. As the e-commerce is a non-physical industry thus the customer relies on the company by looking at its user interface and the image of the company in the market. Goodwill can be only maintained if the security is prop erly maintained and issues are properly redressed by the company (Habiba, et. al., 2016). Integrating connectivity: integrating connectivity refers to the process of supporting connectivity by providing extra effort in smooth functioning of the business. The public-private partnership shall develop co-operation with the society so that no non-ethical activities are initiated (Niranjanamurthy, et. al., 2013). Conclusion Thus in the limelight of the above-mentioned events, shall be noted that in an e-commerce industry is it very important to initiate effective internet connection so that transactions are held easily without barrier. The information technology system directly affects the information security system of the organization. As if connectivity is not strong then the working of the company might lose its effect. Recommendation Thus, by looking at the above case analysis it shall be taken in accounts that, information security is a major aspect which shall be looked after the company prevailing in the e-commerce industry. As there is no physical contact with any person in the company therefore if an issue occurs then it becomes typical for the company to find out the main culprit behind the problem. Thus, the adequate measure shall be taken by the company on an initial level so that future is saved. In order to maintain security and detract cyber-crime, the companies shall allow the entry of the customers by encrypted code only. This will initiate security of personal information of the customers. Also, the company shall not outsource their IT related work to other company, as with this they can access the cloud in which crucial detail of the company is stored. Only identified people of the organization shall make use of the price sensitive information. Thus, with these steps, an e-commerce company can init iate adequate security of customer and company's information. References Ahmed, M. and Hossain, M.A., 2014. Cloud computing and security issues in the cloud. International Journal of Network Security Its Applications, 6(1), p.25. Chen, L., 2017. Connectivity issues in e-commerce. Viewed on September 20, 2017 from Crossler, R.E., Johnston, A.C., Lowry, P.B., Hu, Q., Warkentin, M. and Baskerville, R., 2013. Future directions for behavioral information security research. computers security, 32, pp.90-101. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014. Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Habiba, U., Masood, R., Shibli, M.A. and Niazi, M.A., 2014. Cloud identity management security issues solutions: a taxonomy. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 2(1), p.5. Modi, C., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., Patel, A. and Rajarajan, M., 2013. A survey on security issues and solutions at different layers of Cloud computing. The Journal of Supercomputing, 63(2), pp.561-592. Niranjanamurthy, M. and Chahar, D.D., 2013. The study of e-commerce security issues and solutions. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(7). Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S. and Chahar, D., 2013. Analysis of e-commerce and m-commerce: advantages, limitations and security issues. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(6).

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Or Mice And Men Report Essay Example For Students

Or Mice And Men Report Essay Of Mice and Men takes place sometime during the Depression of the 1930 s. The book starts off next to a stream near the Salinas River, a few miles South of Soledad. Then the setting moves to an isolated, lonely looking ranch, where the main part of the story takes place. Then at the end of the book, the setting comes back to where it started. Characters: George – the main character of the book. He is a caring, understanding, and dreams of owning his own piece of land. Lennie – the loyal friend of George. He has a child’s mind and a giant’s body. It is these contrasting qualities that cause him problems. Old Candy – one of the lonely ranch workers. He is a cripple, working as a ‘Swamper’. Crooks – named for his crooked body; he is a proud Negro man that works on the Ranch. He is neat and has a mind of his own. He is a lonely character, who is discriminated against, due to his race. Slim – a ranch worker with leadership qualities. He commands respect from all on the ranch. Curley – the boss’s son who is a light weight boxer. He picks fights with everybody on the ranch. Curley’s wife – the only woman on the ranch. She is very flirtatious. Plot: George and Lennie live during the depression and they wander from town to town doing jobs but Lennie always gets them in trouble. For example, this girl thought Lennie was trying to rape her when he was really just feeling her dress since he liked the material. Lennie dreams of owning a rabbit farm and is mentally retarded. Sometimes he ends up killing animals because he is so strong. When he accidentally kills Curley’s wife problems arise and George has to kill him so they won’t lock him up. Theme: I think that this novel’s theme was loneliness. All of the workers were lonely in a sense, although they had people around them to talk to. They couldn’t let out any of their feelings because another worker could use it against them. The last line of the book– â€Å"What the hell do you suppose is eatin’ them two guys? †Ã¢â‚¬â€œis said by Carlson. Now, why would any person with any sense of sympathy or knowledge of others wonder that? The man just killed his best friend but Carlson didn’t seem to understand because he never had had a good friend, not one that he would feel bad for at least. These men never knew what it is like to share. They have always had to be strong. This to me shows that they were the best examples of loneliness. Conflict: George is the kind-hearted ranch hand who is concerned about his friend Lennie and watches out for him. Because he has a giant’s body and a child’s mind, Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife; at the same time he kills the dream of owning a farm that has kept George and Lennie positive about the future. The climax occurs when Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. George knows that he can no longer save Lennie, for Curley will want revenge. Of Mice and Men ends in tragedy. George feels compelled to mercifully kill his friend and companion, Lennie, in order to save him from a brutal death. Evaluation: The book was sad, but it truly is a great. It describes so many things about life. Some examples are: how dreams help give meaning to life, the importance of friendship, and how life unabashedly kicks you repeatedly down. If you are looking for a book that depicts a rosy existence, this is not the one.