Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work Discourse on Research Paper

The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work Discourse on Colonialism - Research Paper Example The description of decolonization by Cesaire in his work â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism† The capitalism associated with the colonization did not establish any concept of assuring those who were colonized of their rights nor did it impart a system of individual ethics in them as thought (Cesaire 37). These were the ideals that bourgeois following Hitler teachings of, tried to pass onto people colonized in the guise of civilization. Colonization therefore never happened out of innocence and all efforts were used to subdue the locals in some instances through butcheries and massacres. For example, the French through the leadership of Colonel de Montagnac justified invading and capturing Algeria through massacring and maiming a large number of the population resident there. Similarly, General Gerard captured Ambike by shooting all the inhabitants of the particular town and razing it (Cesaire 40). The effect of colonization on the colonized has been minimal, as .none of the nations that were colonized has appreciated the civilizations. The colonized do not feel that the colon ialists brought any form of security or the rule of law but see some form of cruelty and sadism in the way the civilization was introduced (Cesaire 42). Imperialism through the colonialist played a key role in destroying the societies they found in place by making the citizens they found there undergo a lot of suffering and torture. This is contrary to how they found the societies in the sense that the societies that were colonized had lived communally and was not capitalist in nature; neither were the societies run in an autocratic way as they have developed afterwards and in the course of the colonization (Cesaire 44). Mohandas Gandhi in â€Å"The Practice of Satyagraha† advocated for self-rule by the Indians through a concept known as which would bring a society free of exploitation and void of civilization based on mechanization that the Europeans had used to enslave most parts of Asia and Africa. Since 1919, emboldened by the Wilsonian doctrine of self determination, Gan dhi had always wanted independence from the British colonial rule (Gandhi 227) but they strongly opposed it as they desperately wanted to hold onto the Indian sub-continent due to its strategic location and resources. Gandhi had realized that the British government played a trick of divide and rule as a way of colonizing India by playing the differences of the Hindu with the Muslims and therefore he added for their cooperation to defeat the British colonial rule through non-violent protest. In 1997 the Congress Party of India won the elections attributed to the efforts of Gandhi and later India was able to get her independence from Britain in 1946 (Gandhi 228). Satyagraha excludes the use of force or violence for any form of resistance but relies on the people exercising restraint by being humble and seeking the guidance of God in the struggle (Gandhi 230). This means that there is resistance but the non-cooperationist strives to translate ideas into action relying on the correctnes s of his position. Though there were Indians both of Hindu and Muslim religion who advocated for violence as a means of the struggle, Gandhi strongly opposed it as it was not justified in the teachings of the Mahabharata and the Koran unless necessary

Monday, October 28, 2019

Competence in Counseling Essay Example for Free

Competence in Counseling Essay Counseling is the professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems. It is advice, opinion, or instruction given in direction the judgment or conduct of another. Knowing how to posses personal qualities such as maturity, empathy, warmth, understanding, and knowledge. From a legal stand point ethics, morality, and law must be strongly conformed. It is accurate decision-making, knowing appropriate words to use, and knowledge of the governing standards that is required. Also knowing accurate information about culture and ethnicity of the present society. Aspects of Counseling Counseling has been misrepresented over the past years for different types of endorsements of products. In todays time the profession as far as counseling goes is now corresponded within its practice. The focus is on growth and wellness as well as clarification of mental disorders. In order to relate to the counseling field an understanding of guidance and psychotherapy must be understood along with having history of the profession. Guidance is leadership, instruction, or direction by helping others make important choices that affect their future in maintaining a productive and healthy lifestyle. An individual being taught guidance must learn to choose what values them the most in order to produce change within their life. This will give that particular individual a sense of direction by following instructions to becoming a leader. The goal in guidance is to promote resourceful and happy lives of individuals by helping them adjust to social actualities. Psychotherapy is a process focused on helping heal and learn more beneficial ays to deal with problems or issues within an individuals life. It is also a supportive process when going through a difficult time period or either under increased stress. It traditionally focused on serious problems associated with internal issues, personal issues, and conflicts. Normally psychotherapy is recommended when a person is struggling with a life, relationship, work issue, or a specific health concern causing the individual a great deal of pain or upset for longer than a few days. Counselors hold an important position that affect many lives throughout the course of a career. A counselor serves as an advice-giving role in a wide number of areas. There are many types of counselors, including school guidance counselors, psychological counselors, counselors for victims, youth camp counselors and more. Aspects of Counseling The vast majority of counselors are extremely caring people who are dedicated to their work and enjoy helping to make others lives better. There is a wide range of ideal personality traits that are associated with being a top counselor. One of the most important personality traits, if not the most important, is a keen ability to listen. In order to help people and find solutions to problems, the counselor must be a keen listener in order to best help the person seeking counsel. Counselors should also have an understanding of human psychology and possess a strong sense of sensitivity. Another ideal character trait for a counselor is having a strong sense of direction in order to find the best path to success for the people whom they counsel. Having a strong sense of direction usually solves problems more quickly and efficiently. Ideal counselor personality traits are a commitment to the profession, humanity and the client. The ideal counselor serves the assistance of the clients. The counselor will develop meaningful and trusting relationships with their clients and insure that this trust is not shaken or broken. An ideal counselors personality has a consumer first attitude and should represent a supporter and guidance role with nurturing characteristics to assist in the creation of a reliable bond between the client and the counselor. Other quality traits include their knowledge of the profession and its standards of practice, along with some background in psychology. A good organizational personality trait of a counselor is their willingness to promote efficient case management techniques. Aspects of Counseling As an effective counselor one of the main qualities needed is patience. Go to the next step of explanation only when the patient has clearly understood the content of the information you have provided. Therefore the counselor needs to have enough sufficient time for the patient, and should also be a good listener. Let the patient express everything he/she has to say, and give your inputs once when the patient has finished talking. A counselor should be very observant and able to interpret non-verbal communication for example if the patient looks angry, and then find out the cause of his/her anger first. An effective counselor should provide non-possessive warmth in a counseling environment. Smile and show concern and acceptance by showing comfort, empathy, and understanding to the patient. Counselors should have good knowledge on the topic /problem like compliance to medication. Some people do not take medication for the same reasons, while others demand medication. Understanding the factors why people may not do certain activities at specific time will help you to assist them better. Try to understand the feelings the patient is having in the counseling process. In other words put yourself in his/her position. Give the patient the opportunity to make his/her own decision from your message. Lastly be sure to make it aware to the patient that you as their counselor maintain confidentiality on what the patient tells you. This means that counseling must be done individually and privately. Letting the patient know that you maintain a high degree of personal reliability, trustworthiness and mutual trust as an effective counselor. Aspects of Counseling As there are three different levels of counseling relationships to be aware of nonprofessional, paraprofessional, and professional. Nonprofessionals would be considered as family, friends, colleagues, untrained volunteers, or supervisors who try in assisting those who are in need. Secondly, paraprofessionals are individuals who have received some sort of training in human relations. Lastly professionals are those who are educated with the nowledge to provide assistance on a protective and corrective level. While being the ideal, effective, and professional counselor you must also keep in mind that you must follow the ethical and legal aspects of counseling also. Ethics is defined as a philosophical discipline that is concerned with human conduct and moral decision-making. You should also familiarize yourself with morality, which involves judgment or evaluation of action, and another major definition to know is law, which is the precise organization of governing standards that are established to ensure legal and moral justice. The law does not dictate what is considered to be ethical but what is considered to be legal. Ethical codes are there to protect the profession from government. They allow the professions to control itself and functions independently instead of being controlled by legislation. In making ethical decisions counselors familiarize themselves with casebooks, professional colleagues, and principles. It is very crucial that counselors become well knowledgeable with ethics for the sake of their own well-being and of their patients as well. Multicultural psychology focuses on the cultural differences in thought processes and acceptable vs. nacceptable behaviors. It relates to normal lives such as home, education, work and relationships but also to what is considered abnormal or normal. Aspects of Counseling Knowing your patient plays a huge factor in counseling sessions as well. To know the cultural background of your patient can help you better relate to them as an individual. Many cultural ethnic groups live in the United States. A culture is behaviors, thoughts, perceptions, values, goals, and cognitive processes. An issue in multicultural counseling is the dominance of theories based on cultural values. A second issue is sensitivity to cultures in general, believes that are essential to counselors is knowledge of culturally different patients. Knowing that everyone is their own unique person, and have their own views on different things in today’s society. The counselor must also have the skills to work with patients of different cultures. Counselors must work in order to know their patients and their problems. European Americans when taken into consideration is a larger diverse population they are very common to the people of the United States. When counseling African Americans a counselor must understand the history, and coping mechanisms. Hispanics/Latinos a very diverse group as well, and regardless to their background they are very bicultural. Asian and Pacific Islanders are considered as hard working, successful, and not prone to mental or emotional distress. When dealing with many diverse groups like this a common theme is that counselors who work with a variety of culturally different patients must be knowledgeable about them collectively.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay -- Immigrants Aliens USA Mexicans

Illegal Immigration   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most controversial political issues of today is that of illegal immigrants from Mexico. Illegal immigration into the United States is a problem that should be stopped, as it is unfair to both Americans and to the people of the country from which they illegally immigrated. It is thought that the majority of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. are Mexicans (Anderson 55). Roy Beck clarifies the situation by stating, "The national consensus is that the United States should be a post-mass immigration country has included most leaders of business, religion, labor, academia, and social work." Illegal immigration from Mexico must be stopped by means of different policies and other methods of prevention, because the effects on both Mexico and the United States are predominately unfavorable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are multiple policies and means of preventing illegal immigrants from entering the United States. Immigration laws are the back bone of illegal immigration prevention. Proposition 187 is a tough immigration law clamping down on illegal aliens, used in California. It doubled the number of boarder guards, made it harder for legal immigrants to bring their families over, not permitting as much political help and was harder on illegal aliens already here (DiConsiglio 3). NAFTA, officially, hasn’t reduced as much illegal immigration as had been hoped, but, it helped Mexico recover faster from it’s economic crisis in ‘94-’95, which has stopped a larger flood of people, since most immigrants tend to come to the U.S. in times of Mexican economic depression ("Mexico" 2). The major reason Mexicans tend to illegally immigrate is to find jobs. Therefore, elimination of the chance of them getting a job would be a problem. A bill shown to the Ho use, by California would let the employer enter a job applicant’s social security number over the phone to receive confirmation, of a person’s official citizenship (DeMott 31). That would work in conjunction with the need for proper documentation to be shown to employer for current verification of legal citizenship, limiting their job opportunities and thus discouraging them from ever illegally immigrating. The Border Patrol is the most effective and widely used form of prevention. It is an agency of Immigration and Naturalization, that is charged with detecting and preventing illegal passage to the... ...ent crimes, twice as many unemployed, more than twice the welfare dependency, and more than seven times as much crowded housing (Beck77). These statistics are astonishing and represent the essence of the impact of illegal immigration on America. The following statement by Lydia Anderson exemplifies the effects of illegal immigrants and the discourtesy they have for America: Whether they take jobs or burden our social services, however, the continued influx of illegal immigrants promotes disrespect for the law and seriously limits our ability to control out immigration policy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Illegal immigration from Mexico is a problem and must be stopped using different means of prevention we can avoid any negative repercussions on Mexico and the U.S. It is an economic drain on the U.S. and it is degrading the condition of American society as a whole. Frank Sharry, of the liberal National Immigration Forum has said, "There is virtually a national consensus that illegal immigration is a problem." With this in mind, in a few years, there will be new policies implemented that will virtually wipe out illegal immigration, mainly focused on preventing illegal aliens from acquiring jobs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intro speech Essay

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. It was first famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the one-hour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement. The event is held worldwide and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour 2013 was celebrated on March 23, 2013. Earth Hour 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during participants’ local time. -2004: in Sydney not so famous – 2007: Become well known -2008: Earth Hour 2008 was held internationally on March 29, 2008 from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. local time, marking the first anniversary of the event. With 35 countries around the world participating as official flagship cities and over 400 cities also supporting, Earth Hour 2008 was celebrated on all seven continents. Landmarks all around the world turned off their non-essential lighting for Earth Hour, including the Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia), Empire State Building (New York City, USA), (examples) 2008 participants[edit] Earth Hour 2008 included 26 major cities worldwide and 300 smaller towns shutting off their lights.[6] 2009: Earth Hour 2009 was from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, March 28, 2009. 88 countries and 4,159 cities participated in Earth Hour 2009,[37] ten times more cities than Earth Hour 2008 had (2008 saw 400 cities participate).[38 96 countries on 6 continents participated in the event in 2009. – 2010: Earth Hour 2010 was held from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, 27 March.[49] In Israel, the hour was held on 22 April.[50] Earth Hour 2010 was reportedly the biggest Earth Hour yet, aiming to garner more than the one billion participant goal of 2009’s Earth Hour.[51] 126 countries participated in Earth Hour 2010.[52] 2011: Earth Hour 2011 was the biggest year in the campaign’s five year history, reaffirming it as the largest ever voluntary action for the environment. It took place in a record 5,251 cities and towns in 135 countries and territories in all seven continents.[59] It had an estimated reach of 1.8 billion people across the globe. In addition to this, the campaign’s digital footprint grew to 91 million. – 2012: Earth Hour 2012 was observed on 31 March 2012 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (participant’s local time).[66] It took place in more than 7000 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories, making it the biggest growth year for the campaign since 2009. In February, Earth Hour launched its 2012 campaign â€Å"I Will If You Will†, with the intention of engaging its growing global community to go beyond the hour and coordinate efforts publicly through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and e-mail. Using a dedicated YouTube platform,[67] IWIYW asks Earth Hour’s digital community to inspire people from all corners of the globe to take sustainability actions, and to share their commitment to the environment with their own social media networks. -2013: Earth Hour 2013 was held across the world on Saturday, March 23 at 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time[71] to avoid taking place after European Summer Time begins, ensuring the greatest impact of the lights off ev ent. It is also to avoid coinciding with Western Christianity Holy Saturday, which falls on March 30 of that year. 2014: Earth Hour 2014 announced the date will schedule on March 29 as seen on the 2013 Earth Hour highlights >> â€Å"I will if you will† Campaign: â€Å"I Will If You Will† (IWIYW) is an Earth Hour campaign to encourage positive  action for the environment. The actions required are up to the individual or group. They could be big or small and it might be a simple lifestyle change or perhaps something that leads to political change. The campaign intends for people to become the inspiration to their friends, family, colleagues and communities by sharing what they’re willing to do to protect the planet. Challenges can be created or accepted on Earth Hour’s YouTube channel. Many organization supports and celebrity endorsement – The Earth Hour Global FAQ page states: Earth Hour does not purport to be an energy/carbon reduction exercise, it is a symbolic action. Therefore, we do not engage in the measurement of energy/carbon reduction levels for the hour itself. Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals, businesses and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges. Participation in Earth Hour symbolises a commitment to change beyond the hour.[86]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Chrysalids

THE CHRYSALIDS – FINAL RESPONSE The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham is a story about a world where people will not accept differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. There are many themes in this story. A major theme is satire. David’s society is â€Å"mocking† our society, in real life. Societies, David’s and ours have many similarities. Ever since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the color of their skin, or another physical appearance, we all have judged or have been judged unfairly by the people around us. Another major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and people outside of Waknuk, it shows that people differ in viewpoints, and have different ways of seeing things. We are ignorant when we do not see the way others see things, or when we do not accept other because of their differences. In many cases, a person is â€Å"shunned† from a group because others do not like a certain characteristic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are cast out because others are afraid of their differences that make them superior, or more advantageous. In the novel, the people of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid of the group’s ability. Trust is also a theme of this story. David has many people around him, but he cannot trust everyone. Once you get to know a person, you can develop and discover a trust between you. David develops a very strong trust with his Uncle. They share everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not trust his father, even though his relation means there should be a stronger bond. Anne trusted Alan more than she trusted the group. This is an example of ignorance, and not taking the time to get to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet gripping journey about inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and lastly solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that humans can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us humans are one have the most powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we usually do not take notice, and waste that life, or use it the wrong way. Human nature is something that will always exist. Without it, we would have no ideal world. ———————– The Chrysalids THE CHRYSALIDS – FINAL RESPONSE The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham is a story about a world where people will not accept differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. There are many themes in this story. A major theme is satire. David’s society is â€Å"mocking† our society, in real life. Societies, David’s and ours have many similarities. Ever since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the color of their skin, or another physical appearance, we all have judged or have been judged unfairly by the people around us. Another major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and people outside of Waknuk, it shows that people differ in viewpoints, and have different ways of seeing things. We are ignorant when we do not see the way others see things, or when we do not accept other because of their differences. In many cases, a person is â€Å"shunned† from a group because others do not like a certain characteristic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are cast out because others are afraid of their differences that make them superior, or more advantageous. In the novel, the people of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid of the group’s ability. Trust is also a theme of this story. David has many people around him, but he cannot trust everyone. Once you get to know a person, you can develop and discover a trust between you. David develops a very strong trust with his Uncle. They share everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not trust his father, even though his relation means there should be a stronger bond. Anne trusted Alan more than she trusted the group. This is an example of ignorance, and not taking the time to get to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet gripping journey about inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and lastly solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that humans can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us humans are one have the most powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we usually do not take notice, and waste that life, or use it the wrong way. Human nature is something that will always exist. Without it, we would have no ideal world. ———————–

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bogomil - Who and what the Bogomils were

Bogomil - Who and what the Bogomils were A Bogomil was a member of a heretical sect that originated in Bulgaria in the tenth century. The sect was evidently named after its founder, the priest Bogomil. The Doctrine of the  Bogomils Bogomilism was dualistic in nature that is, its followers believed that both good and evil forces created the universe. Bogomils believed that the material world was created by the devil, and they therefore condemned all activities that brought mankind into close contact with matter, including eating meat, drinking wine, and marriage. Bogomils were noted and even praised by their enemies for their austerity, but their rejection of the entire organization of the Orthodox Church made them heretics, and they were therefore sought out for conversion and, in some cases, persecution. Origins and Spread of  Bogomilism The idea of Bogomilism appears to be a result of a combination of neo-Manicheanism with a local movement aimed at reforming the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. This theological viewpoint  spread over much of the Byzantine Empire during the 11th and 12th centuries. Its popularity in Constantinople resulted in the imprisonment of many prominent Bogomils and the burning of their leader, Basil, in about 1100. The heresy continued to spread, until by the early 13th century there was a network of Bogomils and followers of similar philosophies, including Paulicians and Cathari, that stretched from the Black Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The Decline of  Bogomilism In the 13th and 14th centuries, several delegations of Franciscan missionaries were sent to convert heretics in the Balkans, including Bogomils; those they failed to convert were expelled from the region. Still Bogomilism remained strong in Bulgaria until the 15th century, when the Ottomans conquered parts of southeastern Europe and the sects began to dissipate. Remnants of dualistic practices can be found in the folklore of southern Slavs, but little else remains of the once-powerful sect.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Baudelaires Hymn to Beauty vs. Rimbauds Drunken Boat

Baudelaires Hymn to Beauty vs. Rimbauds Drunken Boat Reading the poem entitled Hymn to Beauty by Baudelaire, I picked up on some familiar characteristics that I myself find in some of my random writings I do in my spare time. I often think of a simple subject to focus my thoughts on; sometimes these subjects being complex but often I find at the end of my writings, they have begun with no specific subject, but something brings it all together in the end and many times, they can be boiled down to one specific word or idead. Baudelaire chose to write about beauty.Now, when I read this poem, I didn't move on to read the next one because I think that poetry needs to be analyzed deeply without outside distraction. In this case, I figured that reading on to the next poem would pollute my mind with the ideas and emotions that the writer (Arthur Rimbaud) conveyed through his poem.Polski: Autograf Arthura RimbaudaBy reading through both poems from the initial standpoint, I think that myself, as well and anybody else would, in a sense, combine t he emotions and the meanings behind the writings. To me, any poetry or song lyric needs to be read and studied alone in order to find out what the emotional state the writer was in and the overlying message the writer was attempting to portray. Maybe I am wrong by doing this for this class assignment but I am sure that my approach would be accepted by the writers of both of these literary works.Hymn to Beauty: Obviously, this piece is about Beauty. But why does this writer want to speak of beauty? He questions beauty and I like it. To me personally, I believe beauty is a learned thing. It differentiates between personalities. What is one man's junk is another...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Jobs Where High School Dropouts Can Be Successful

10 Jobs Where High School Dropouts Can Be Successful There is a stigma attached to â€Å"dropping out† of high school, which can really appear to affect one’s job prospects. In 2015, almost 20% of unemployed people were high school dropouts. But there are ways to find your way to a successful career without having completed high school. Here are some totally respectable options. You will likely earn less over your lifetime than you would with a diploma or a bachelor’s degree, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up and call yourself a failure either.Here are some good job prospects for people without a high school diploma.1. Construction ManagerConstruction might not seem like the job you want forever, but if you can work your way up to manager, you can earn an average of up to $1.5 million in your lifetime. The number of these jobs is expected to grow, and the median wage is over $87k per year. You’ll probably want to take a few leadership courses as you make your way up the ranks, just to accelera te your promotion prospects.2. MechanicCars always need fixing. As an automotive service technician or mechanic, you can earn a median salary of nearly $38k per year. The competition is fierce, but the more technology skills you pick up along the way, the better off you’ll be. Bonus points if you specialize in big vehicles like buses or trucks- you’ll earn more and have less competition.3. Office ManagerOffice and administrative support managers keep an office running smoothly. This is one of the highest paid non-diploma jobs out there. The competition will be fairly tough, of course, but it’s a good living with estimated lifetime earnings of nearly $1.4 million.4. Sales RepWholesalers and manufacturers look more for candidates who can meet targets, rather than focusing on educational bona fides. These jobs pay well, plus commissions, and are great for communicative people persons. Make a median salary of over $59k per year.5. Food Service ManagerYou don’ t need a diploma to get a job in food service. And if you can work your way up to the managerial level, you can make over $48k per year in median pay. You will have to work long hours- lots of nights and weekends, but if it’s a lifestyle you can get behind, it’s good steady work.6. Administrative AssistantAdmin  work might be hard to get without a diploma, but not impossible. Particularly if you present yourself professionally and show your skills and experience from prior assistant jobs. The median pay is somewhere near $36k per year.7. ElectricianIf you can cultivate this marketable skill through work experience or vocational school, you can make an estimated $1.4 million lifetime as an electrician. Peak earners in this profession aren’t necessarily the ones with extra degrees or diplomas. If you’ve got the skills, you can make the bucks.8. MachinistMost machinists have not attended a four year college, though a bit of extra boning up at a vocational school would stand you in good stead to advance in this career path. Job opportunities in this field are good and estimated lifetime earnings are over a million.9. Home Health AideThis is not an easy job and the median annual pay is relatively low (just under $22k per year). But you don’t have to have a fancy education and you can really make a difference in people’s lives. You’ll need lots of interpersonal skills, stamina, and integrity, but if you’re an idealist and you love to help people, this could be for you.10. EntrepreneurAlways a big risk, but not impossible. If you have an idea or a talent you believe in, see about building a business. There are plenty of billionaires who started off as high school dropouts. All you need is the next big thing. It wouldn’t hurt to take a few courses on the side in business management and study the practices of successful entrepreneurs you’ve read about or met. Be careful, but if you feel strongly th at you can do it, it might be worth a shot.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Argument research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Argument research - Essay Example Decades back, the female workers were considered not good for the family lives, because according to men’s perception, woman is only for household working and thus she should not work outside the boundary of her home. Now this perception is a little bit changed. Women are working in many of the fields but still facing a biased behavior in the financial matters, as men are receiving more wages than women. Men are receiving more wages as compare to women, even when both of them have same qualifications and working in the same position. In addition, this is not confined to any particular society or country rather everywhere women are facing this similar situation. Whether we talk about western countries or the eastern ones, the wage gap between the men and the women exists. There is always a discussion on this topic of biased behavior regarding wages among men and women. Many of the researchers work on the topic of unequal pay and wages for the females. Different research studies have clearly shown the reason and factors, which actually create a pay gap between the males and the females. However, the positive thing is that now in the 21st century women are more powerful to fight for their rights. They can stand up for receiving their rights and an equal wage system is their true right. This strength is only possible because of the education and knowledge level in the females (Hughes 631). According to some of the education experts’ research analysis education always creates awareness in the human beings. In addition, because of this education women are now powerful regarding their fight for rights. The reason for increase in the pay system can be the changing role of women in the labor work force. In the past decades the women were not involved in the hard works but now there is no single field where women are not working and giving their best. Earlier it was considered that women may not take any

Friday, October 18, 2019

Module review 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Module review 1 - Essay Example In the event, that the products are perishable, the uncertainties may result in losses caused by product damage. Notably, possibilities create complexities in operating commodity recovery networks especially in reverse flow. For example, an untimely breakdown or an inaccurate customer forecast can cause a shortage in product availability and the meeting of customer demands. Essential elements of supply chain management comprise of communication, advantage, efficiency, innovation, collaboration, and risk management. All the components to promote sustainability of the process (Altekar 2005). The following explains functions of each component. Communication helps in passing of information across departmental stores, suppliers, sellers, and manufacturers. A comprehensive communication channel enables awareness of potentials and uncertainties thus improving supply. Manufacturing and geographic postponement refer to business strategies that help firms maximize benefits while minimizing possibilities of losses. In this context, a company delay investment until the final phase the opportunity appears viable. Hence, the manufacturing and postponement refer to the measured actions by a firm to adjourn production or distribution of a commodity to the market until they receive an order from the potential customer. Geographic postponement helps in minimizing incidences of wrong production (Altekar 2005). In addition, the delays help reduce cases of deploying incorrect inventories by a corporation. In common, the business and logistics frameworks help in the reduction of anticipated risks in the product supply chain. The most notable example of the strategy includes Dell corporations build to order business online market approach. The company assembles or manufactures electronics based on the quantity of products ordered by the customers. Therefore, De ll Company reduces the risk voluminous production and supply

Security in computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Security in computing - Essay Example Some of the constraints can be lifted by designing a multimodal biometric structure. Multimodal biometric systems are those which make use of, or are proficient of operating, more than one behavioral or physiological representation for enrollment whichever in mode, identification or verification. Surrounded by the biometric traits, handwritten signature is measured to be the utmost commonly acknowledged biometric for the verification of identity. Researches informations in signature from a statistics synthesis view are drawn in this paper. We use signatures each day to make transactions with our credit card, contracts and documents, and to authenticate our checks. While economical foundations and other commercial establishments largely emphasis on the graphic presence of our signature for authentication resolutions, Recognition of Signature scrutinizes behavioral characteristics that manifest themselves when we sign our name. This article looks at how the technology of Signature Recognition and analyses its strong point and flaws. Biometrics degree an individual’s exceptional behavioral or physical characters to verify their self. Common bodily characters contain facial characteristics, iris hand, ear or palm geometry and retina or fingerprints. Behavioral traits consist of signature, keystroke pattern, voice and posture. Biometrics-based private certification schemes have grown intensive research curiosity due to the inconvenience and unreliability of legacy systems. While seeing for an appropriate biometric to be used in a certain application, the distinctive traits should hold the following assets: performance, constancy, collectability, individuality, acceptability and forge resistance. Due to the untrustworthiness and inconvenience of customary approaches, such as pin numbers, key cards, passwords and smart cards, the biometric documentation is more favored. Thus, biometrics is well-thought-out to be a confident and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Scientific study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scientific study - Essay Example This is one of the major reasons for which the ratio of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not match with high or overestimation growth of atmospheric CO2 predicted by Earth System models. This paper will help in better understanding and modeling of carbon climate feedbacks [1]. 1. The author use different models to illustrate the carbon-climate response. They used Community Land Model 4.5 (CLM4.5), LeafWeb and FvCB model for the evaluation of this scientific study or to answer the question [1]. One of the evidence that has been put forward by the author claims that empirical global gm model for C3 plant species are developed. These are completely based on a synthesis of data in the literature. It should be noted that the author has presented all the data concerning the subject of matter with careful placement of statistics and formulas. Also, the implementation of the C3 plant species is allowed contrasting simulations that either consider or omit the mesophyll diffusion limitation. Herein, it is important to note that there are two types of simulations (gm-including and gm-lacking simulations). The author has clearly present the following inclination in the research method section , â€Å"A parameter conversion function that was developed from leaf gas e xchange dataset collected by LeafWeb to enable a correct comparison between the gm-including and gm-lacking simulations and it was based on CLM4.5 formulation of FvBC model† [1]. Furthermore, strict actions were undertaken in order to promulgate any difference in the trend of GPP between simulations can be attributed unambiguously to the mesophyll diffusion treatments [1]. 4. Finally, the readers can make use of the article for reference as it is conclusive of the fact that total ΔCFE between the gm-including and gm lacking simulations for global GPP increased. The increase was marked from the year 1901 to 2010. Slight pre-1950 increase in ΔCFE is followed after 1950 and this pattern shows that

A Report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development Essay

A Report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development - Essay Example the â€Å"new† internet and text messaging form of writing, Crystal adds that Educationalists have their responsibility as well in teaching children which style is appropriate to use for certain â€Å"occasions.† This is a website about researches done regarding the use of online chat to foster written language development of students who are deaf. It is about the efficacy of a strategy used to foster written language development for deaf students. Now, websites such as this one which posts research studies on language development for those who are also disabled is something that is of great value in the educational system. This also sends a message to the educational institutions that students with disablements are also of great importance and that we must also look for ways, research and studies that would further enhance their capacity in terms of education especially the learning and using of their language skills; because even if they are deaf, they still can write and has the potential to be great writers or even researchers. Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Web, hosted by Michigan State University, is all about foreign language development. Although English is the Universal language, the study of language per se is not solely focused on the English language. This website boasts of several topics on the business language in various languages like Korean, German and French to name a few. Intercultural Communication and Business language written in numerous languages is something that is of great help for students and those who are into the business industry. It gives the students and individuals tips and guides as to how to communicated and develop a cross-cultural awareness with the use of the web-based technology. This is a website all about language development. It is filled with bibliographies and topics with a little description below it to make referencing easier and user friendly. Participated by a lot of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Scientific study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scientific study - Essay Example This is one of the major reasons for which the ratio of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not match with high or overestimation growth of atmospheric CO2 predicted by Earth System models. This paper will help in better understanding and modeling of carbon climate feedbacks [1]. 1. The author use different models to illustrate the carbon-climate response. They used Community Land Model 4.5 (CLM4.5), LeafWeb and FvCB model for the evaluation of this scientific study or to answer the question [1]. One of the evidence that has been put forward by the author claims that empirical global gm model for C3 plant species are developed. These are completely based on a synthesis of data in the literature. It should be noted that the author has presented all the data concerning the subject of matter with careful placement of statistics and formulas. Also, the implementation of the C3 plant species is allowed contrasting simulations that either consider or omit the mesophyll diffusion limitation. Herein, it is important to note that there are two types of simulations (gm-including and gm-lacking simulations). The author has clearly present the following inclination in the research method section , â€Å"A parameter conversion function that was developed from leaf gas e xchange dataset collected by LeafWeb to enable a correct comparison between the gm-including and gm-lacking simulations and it was based on CLM4.5 formulation of FvBC model† [1]. Furthermore, strict actions were undertaken in order to promulgate any difference in the trend of GPP between simulations can be attributed unambiguously to the mesophyll diffusion treatments [1]. 4. Finally, the readers can make use of the article for reference as it is conclusive of the fact that total ΔCFE between the gm-including and gm lacking simulations for global GPP increased. The increase was marked from the year 1901 to 2010. Slight pre-1950 increase in ΔCFE is followed after 1950 and this pattern shows that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Ethics case-Nike Sweatshops Case Study

Business Ethics -Nike Sweatshops - Case Study Example The labor unions of such countries were also said to gain significant influence. Countries such as Vietnam, China, and Indonesia were considered to offer cheaper labor to the company Nike, Inc. and also prohibited labor unions. But when the workers of these countries demanded additional benefits and rights, the company closed all its factories in such countries and moved to other countries to continue its operations at a lower cost. The company Nike, Inc. was highly criticized throughout the 1990s for selling such goods which were considered to be manufactured in sweatshops. In the year 1991, an activist named Jeff Ballinger published a report which highlighted the poor working conditions and low wages in the country of Indonesia (Esbenshade, 2004). He published an article which stated that an Indonesian worker was considered to work for the company’s subcontractor for only 14 cents an hour which was considered to be less than the minimum wages that was prescribed in Indonesia . Numerous disturbing stories were said to come from the factories of the company Nike, Inc. throughout the world. The major issues were considered to be forced overtime, child labor, and wages which were considered to be well below the poverty line. There were also other issues such as poor air quality, exposure to chemicals considered as dangerous and physical abuse from the overseers of factory. It was considered that groups such as Global Exchange, Education for Justice, and students who were considered to be against sweatshop labor were mainly considered to lead the efforts against the company Nike, Inc. in this regard. Team Sweat was established with the main objective of tracking the protests that were considered to be made against the organization. It is considered as an international coalition of workers, investors, and consumers to put an end to the injustices that were considered to be in the sweatshops of the organization Nike, Inc. around the world. Jim Keady

Developmental psychology Essay Example for Free

Developmental psychology Essay I have identified a number of themes from both interviews which relate to Jo and Tonys childhood and life experiences and how these have influenced their development and how their childrens lives have differed from their own. Â  Educational influence Educational issues appear to have influenced both Tony and Jo Tony refers to himself as being uneducated: And then I only went to school for a year, after I was eleven. Tony ex plains this was due to the years education he did receive: I had a very interesting year the years education I had was very interesting situation in at a boarding school in Sussex. Where I was I learned a great deal actually. Lines 34-36 He says that other influences had contributed to his education: strange influences, and yes I suppose I am self-educated Ive read an awful lot obviously Lines 40 41 Jo describes her education as being different I went to school in Leeds til I was eight and then I was evacuated. Lines 44 45 I then went to boarding school for the next ten years Lines 46 -47 * Parental influence There are several references to Jo and Tonys views on the important role of parenting, for them this had been through their parents work and religious beliefs: Tony: Victorian Work Ethic in Line 54 Tony and Jo agree that religion was a very big influence from their parents Tony Lines 63 67: Jos mother was brought up as a Methodist and my father was as well. And I think Methodist principles were fairly firmly entrenched. And Yes I think that has, that makes us to a certain extent the sort of people we are. In lines 81 82 Tony talks about which career paths were available to them and ones parents experiences and aspirations certainly entered into it as well In the second interview both Tony and Jo make reference to separation from their fathers because of the war, this appears to be a shared experience for both of them. Jo then compares this with their own childrens experience of separation, their children feared that Tony and Jo would separate like another family that they knew. Jo says that when the children are young it is important to make sacrifices or you adapt Line 122 Interests could be pursued later. She emphasizes this further if you want to nurture and encourage your children, then some one or other had got to stay, perhaps hold back a little to give as much as you can to your children Lines 145 148. Although Jo acknowledges that women have equal rights today in contrast with the past, she believes that in order to provide a nurturing role women should still put their children first. She also talks about the importance of stability for children children like stability. And its the stable base that you make around them that matters more Lines 154 -156 * Social/cultural/historical influence Historical influence has played a part in Jo and Tonys development, the war had a huge impact on them, their fathers went away and there was uncertainty as to whether they would return. The educational opportunities available differed between them, Jo went to school and boarding school but Tony only had one year of education and apart from this was self taught.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Convention And Exhibition Industry Importance

Convention And Exhibition Industry Importance In October 2010, the city of Shanghai successfully held the World Exposition, with an accomplishment of participants coming from 246 countries, and more than 70 million visitors (Xinhua, 2010). There were many preparations made prior to the event, including constructing the buildings, transportation, accommodation for world wide visitors, and training service providers with better services. As holding international large-scale conventions and exhibitions will attract international guests and will boost the economy locally, the value-added brought by the events can also influence tourism industry with the service quality, and the influence will take effect even after the event is over. The current research is interested in the effects of convention and exhibition industry on service quality, as World Expo 2010 Shanghai just finished, it is suitable for collecting data concerning this topic. The convention and exhibition industry is one of the most important and fastest growing industries in the 21st century. It is often categorized with meeting, incentive travel together as the meetings, incentive travel, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) industry. With its gaining popularity, it has grown as a significant market segment over the past decades (Astroff Abbey 2006; Kim, Chon Chung 2003). MICE industry not only brings a destination with strength and development in their competitive advantage, but also enhances the image of the destination, and economic benefits for the destination and community (Opperman 1996). According to the International Meeting Statistics by the Union of International Associations (UIA), 11,423 international meetings were held in 2008 worldwide (UIA, 2009). The industry consists of multi-sectors of hospitality service including lodging, food and beverage, catering, convention service, convention facility supply, transportation, tourism, retail, and entertainment (Astroff Abbey 2006). And the benefit to local economy is huge. With U.S. Travel Associations (2009) estimation, the MICE industry contributes $101 billion in annual spending, and provides $16 billion in tax revenue, and creates one million jobs. As for Singapore, every dollar generates by the MICE industry adds another 12 dollars to the national GDP (International Enterprise Singapore 2001). As the case in China, which is one of the most populous countries in the world, reports indicated that during the Kunming Expo 1999, the international horticultural fair, ticket revenues were 100 million RMB ($12 million) , and it has brought 170 million RMB ($20.5 million) ticket revenues to the hospitality industry (China Research and Intelligence 2009). The development if convention and exhibition economy also provides more job opportunities, marketing, infrastructure and service quality. Service Quality Service quality has been an important attribute in the service industry; it is defined as the consumers judgment about an entitys overall excellence or superiority (Parasuraman, Zeithaml Berry 1988). It affects customer satisfaction, and it is one of the critical factors to business survival and competitiveness in the service industry. In previous researches, the efficiency and accuracy to measure service quality has been the main focus (Ladhari 2008). Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988) conducted the most influential studies on service quality, which was developing the SERVQUAL instrument. The SERVQUAL instrument concluded five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This instrument has become the foundation of service quality measurement instrument in a variety of industries, which compares between customer expectation and realized performance of specific service. Tsang and Qu (2000) on the other hand, adopted from several studies and indicated the 5 gaps of service quality. They describe the gaps as the difference between expectations and perceptions. The management perceptions of customer expectations and service quality specifications, the difference between service quality specifications and the service actually delivered, and the service delivery and what is communicated about the service to customers, these gaps affect the actual delivery of service. And the difference between customer expectations of service quality and customer perceptions of the actual performance affects customer perceptions of service quality, which is what this research would like to find out. World Exposition The World Exposition, or called World Fair, Universal Exposition, Expo, is a form of large public exhibitions held in different parts of the world. The first Expo was held in 1851, in Hyde Park in London, United Kingdom. It was the first international exhibition of manufactured products. It was the idea of Queen Victorias husband, and it influenced the development of many aspects in the society (Findling Pelle 2008, pp. 13-14). Since then, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future. The World Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first Expo to be held in a developing country, the theme is Better City, Better Life. Because nowadays, 55% of the world population lives in a city, the Expo sets out to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century, and display urban civilization, exchanging experiences of urban development, explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century, also learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings. It is held from May 1st to the end of October in 2010, spanning six months (Expo 2010 Official Website 2008). Visitors to Shanghai As the Expo brought over participants coming from 246 countries, and more than 70 million visitors (Xinhua, 2010), there is also a boost in tourism and numbers of travelers in Shanghai, both domestic and international. A statistic data gathered from the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration is given in Table 1. As shown in table 1 and the total number of visitors in Figure 1, theres a big leap in year 2010, which the Expo took place. Table 1. Visitors to Shanghai Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Domestic 4,646,303 5,200,981 5,264,727 5,333,935 7,337,216 Hong Kong 314,871 322,351 363,247 415,478 623,969 Macau 16,448 17,363 15,575 17,816 40,043 International 3,997,979 4,426,148 4,416,223 4,390,495 5,931,211 Total 8,975,601 9,966,843 10,059,772 10,157,724 13,932,439 Source: Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration Figure 1. Total Visitor to Shanghai from 2006 to 2010 Hotels in Shanghai Shanghai is one of the most visited cities in China, according to the statistics from Euromonitor research and China Bureau of Statistics, the market size of travel accommodation in China in year 2010 reach sales of RMB 510.8 billion ($78.2 billion) (Euromonitor International 2011). According to the report, the regional hotel parameters in 2010 indicate that Shanghai has the highest occupancy rate among all other municipal or provinces, as shown in Table 2. Table 2. Occupancy rate For Travel Accommodations in China Destination Travel Accommodations Occupancy rate % Anhui 3102 50 Beijing 5182 69.4 Fujian 5024 60.1 Guangdong 6422 67.1 Guangxi 4903 53.2 Hainan 2167 59.8 Hebei 2983 49.1 Henan 2668 50.4 Jiangsu 5544 59.8 Shaanxi 3882 55 Shandong 5149 50 Shanghai 4410 70.7 SiChuan 2311 58.9 Tianjin 1973 54.2 Yunnan 3763 52 Zhejiang 5606 56.7 Source: Euromonitor International from official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, trade sources As for a more detailed statistic for Shanghai, data retrieved from Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration is shown in Table 3, and the occupancy rates for total travel accommodations is shown in Table 4 and Figure2. The statistics suggests that the occupancy rate for accommodations in Shanghai experienced a growth between 2009 and 2010. Although the occupancy rates for Table 2 and Table 3 are slightly different, due to the differences is samples, numbers in Euromonitor International (2011) studies are narrowed to certain hotel chains, however it still indicates the market size in Shanghai is greater than other destinations in China. Table 3. The Occupancy Rate for Hotels in Shanghai Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010  ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Occupancy 64.24 61.35 56.53 52.68 67.22 Source: Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration Figure 2. Occupancy Rates of Hotels in Shanghai Conceptual Map With the review and statistics presented above, we can infer that the 2010 World Expo Shanghai has brought more visitors to Shanghai, and helped increased the occupancy rate. Supposed there are more people visiting Shanghai due to the Expo, accommodation demands raise and the demand for service quality should also rise. The conceptual framework of this study is depicted in Figure 3. Convention and Exhibition Industry Total Visitors to a Destination Hotel Service Quality Figure 3. The Conceptual Framework The convention and exhibition industry will influence the total number of visitors to a destination, weather they are participants to the event or guests and tourists. This link is already shown and proven in the data provided above, therefore, with more visitors coming to the destination, demands for accommodations will rise, and that will in turn influence the service quality in the hotel sector. According to the research questions and framework, the hypothesis for this study is formed: Hypothesis 1: World Expo 2010 significantly influenced the number of visitors to Shanghai. After examining the influence on increase in visitors to Shanghai, I would like to know if the increase in visitor numbers influences the service quality in the hotel sector, therefore: Hypothesis 2: Increased visitors to Shanghai positively influenced the service quality in hotel sector. If Hypothesis is also supported, then I would like to examine if the effects on service performance will keep on taking effect, or if there is no difference between service quality compared to before, or the quality will even drop, therefore: Hypothesis 3: The increase in service quality in hotel sector will remain after the World Expo 2010 is finished. Research Question The aim of this study is to answer the questions of whether the convention and exhibition industry brings benefit to a destination, and will the industry influence the service quality. Not only during the event, but also after the event, the total quality for service industry will increase. Therefore, the research questions I set out to answer are: Will convention and exhibition industry bring more visitors to a destination? Will more visitors influence the service quality for hotels? After the event, will the influence still carry on? Research Design Due to the aim of this research, I try to discover the differences between service qualities before the Expo 2010 and after, the research will adopt a time series design. However it would be impossible to gather data prior to the Expo by myself, but I can reference past research on service quality in the hotel industry in China from previous studies and researches. Drawn from a research done by Tsang and Qu (2000), I will have a reference of the service quality done in year 2000, and then I will be able to compare the results done today and later. Sample To understand the hotel service quality provided in Shanghai, the current research targets at international guests that visits Shanghai, I will use a convenience sampling method, questionnaires will be distributed to guests in a hotel chain. Also a systematic sampling method will also be used, which every 5th visitor checking in will be asked to do the questionnaire. This will also be similar samples to the previous study done by Tsang and Qu (2000). Instrument In this research I adopt the instrument developed and used by Tsang and Qu (2000). They adopt the questionnaire from SERVEQUAL and other research, and developed the questionnaire in 3 parts, with 35 service quality attributes. The first part is to measure the respondents expectations regarding service quality in the hotel industry, they will be asked to fill in the level of importance of statements with responses, from a 5-point Likerts scale, ranging from (1) very low expectation to (5) very high expectation. The second part of the questionnaire is designed to examine the respondents perceptions of service quality actually provided during the stay. Also, the respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement with statements with responses from a 5-point Likerts scale: (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree. The third part of the questionnaire collects the demographic and classification questions of the respondent. The 35 attributes are listed as below: Gap mean differences between managers perception of tourists expectations and tourists expectations of service quality in the hotel industry Attributes 1. Comfortable and welcome feeling 2. Neat appearance of staff 3. Professionalism of staff 4. Hotel staff with multi-lingual skills 5. Friendliness and courtesy of staff 6. Special attention given by staff 7. Availability of staff to provide service 8. Staff performing the services right the first time 9. Reservation system was easily accessible 10. Quick check-in and check-out 11. Cleanliness of room 12. Quietness of room 13. Security of room 14. Attractive decor, furnishings of room/lobby 15. Comfortable mattress and pillow 16. Reasonable room rate/value for money 17. Variety of services offered 18. Reliable message and wake-up service 19. Provision of accurate and reliable information 20. The guarantee of reliable service 21. Availability of room service 22. Prompt breakfast service 23. Elegant banquet service 24. High quality of food in restaurant(s) 25. Variety of drinks and wine list 26. Reasonable restaurant/bar prices 27. The high degree/level of hygiene of food 28. Up-to-date and modern facilities 29. Adequacy of fire safety facilities 30. Availability of eating and drinking facilities 31. Availability of year-round swimming pool 32. Availability of business center facilities 33. Availability of sauna and health club 34. Availability of conference/meeting room 35. Convenient hotel location Data Analysis Descriptive statistics analysis was used to understand the demographic information about the respondent. Each of the categories will be calculated and described in the descriptive statistics section. In order to understand the correlations between variables, a correlation analysis were conducted on all basic data such as gender, age, experience, educational level, marriage status and the scores of the scales. To investigate the service quality gaps, a paired t-test will be used to evaluate the service quality. Conclusion The expected results for this research will be there are positive relationship between visitors to Shanghai positively influenced the service quality in hotel sector. As the visitor numbers already increased during the period of the Expo, the hotel occupancy rates are also higher. With more people check into the hotels, hotel managers pay more attention to the service quality, in order to deliver better guest service. Also, it is expected that the increase in service quality in hotel sector will remain after the World Expo 2010 is finished. There are several limitations of this research. First with the time series design, the differences in sampling and long time between the two time periods will cause some confounding. Since the improvements in infrastructure in Shanghai may also influence service quality, this is something we cannot eliminate. Second, travelers to the hotels will be different from the first sample, we can compare the demographic data between the two, trying to match the samples, however there are still unparallel between the two. For future research suggestions, we can collect the data again 5 years after the Expo, to find out weather the service quality keeps the same as the period right after the Expo. We can also get an idea of how hotel managers improve their service quality by interviewing them, with can reveal some more detailed facts on how the Expo really affect their business.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Suicide :: essays research papers

Wrong and Even Scary Certain people believe that life is not valuable. Although they may not admit this as being true it is evident through their behavior. They admit it through behavior such as believing that it is acceptable to decide one others fate. To believe that it is satisfactory for one human being to decide if another human being should live or die is wrong and even scary. Doctors should not be legally able to assist terminally ill patients to commit suicide. The most precious gift that God has given human beings is the gift of life. Even with this being true people abuse this gift everyday. They abuse this gift in many ways. One way is by attempting to play the role of God. People who assist in deciding one others fate also believe that they are God. This may sound strange but it 100% true. Human beings who assist terminally ill patients to commit suicide believe that they are God. People who believe that it is justifiable for doctors to assist terminally ill patients comm it suicide believe that is acceptable for others to play the role of God. Both of these types of Lee, 2 people are equally wrong. Both of these people's beliefs are also disgusting. There is no way that any human being should be allowed to decide when another human beings time to die is. Terminally ill patients are not exactly thinking 100% correctly during their illness. Some are just not thinking at all. Being terminally ill would be a very dramatic period in anyone's life. So this being said when patient who knows that they are going to die asks another human being to aid them to commit suicide they are not thinking straight. They might believe in their own mind that this is what they want but in reality if they were thinking straight they would not want this at all. This can be proven as well. If one were to ask another when they were perfectly healthy if that they ever became terminally ill if they would like to commit suicide the answer would be no. But yet if that same person were to become terminally ill they might want the exact opposite.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Art and Cultural Study Essay

Art has always been a significant part of any culture and society. Prominent artist are people who make a contribution not only to the world’s cultural heritage, but also make a certain country famous and even a bit special. In my opinion my favorite artist would be Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso, known as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. I shall say the evolution of a young Pablo Picasso to the experienced genius that had shaped the way we see art today. From his Blue and Rose periods through the birth of Cubism, to the struggles of the experimental thirties. Picasso largely took his subjects from real life, although many of his abstract works look anything but life-like. He was big on portraits, nudes, families and children and scenes from rural life and carnivals. He also featured a lot of still life, including newspapers, vases with flowers, fruit and many instruments, especially the guitar. He inspired a whole movement into Cubism. He revolutionized art in a sense. In the art world he was the first to create works that explored the world a bit differently. With a greater understanding of Picasso and his contribution to art. He started out creating the realistic art that you may be more to consider ‘real art’. Essentially, he mastered it, and then created something entirely new. I just love Pablo’s work because it is very unique and different. He was one of the first people to look at the world and its many creatures in a different way. He didn’t just paint what he wanted to or do anything â€Å"randomly†, but painted life as he truly saw it. Pablo was very charming and he had a lot of passion. Pablo had a new way of doing art that was interesting coupled with his charisma and passion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

Among the many religious books in Hindu philosophy, the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads are among the most famous. Both texts agree that knowledge is needed in order to liberate the Self (Atman) from worldly miseries and discover the dharma (truth). Failure to do so may result to subjection of the individual further into the world of ignorance and suffering, making him more of a victim of fate rather than its master or even enjoyer. However, despite their aparent similarities, differences in approach on the same philosophy could be found.The Upanishads, is intended for the individual devoted to consummate asceticism and with firm faith and yearning for the eternal, while the Bhagavad Gita, or Gita, as it is simply called, is a more practical guide for persons facing everyday or normal problems in life. The entire Hindu philosophy believes that there is a God that contains everything and that everyone contains the immortal aspect of God within him. A suitable analogy would be to think of God as the great ocean and we, His creatures, His tiny droplets, and with the rest of creation are subject to change.We are within God and God is within each core of our being: â€Å"I am the Self abiding in The heart of all beings; I am The beginning, the middle, and Also the end of all beings â€Å"(10. 20). The only reason while we experience change and suffering is that we failed to attune Name 2 ourselves to the immortal God. Both sources state that by connecting the self to the one God one can achieve eternal peace. However, man's unneeded worldly attachment and the instability of the human mind has prevented him from reaching this enlgihtened state.And if one has failed to attain liberation before the end of his lifetime, he is still subject to the endless wheel of life and death—he will be reborn.. Both sacred texts agree to the idea of the restlessness of the mind, and that the mind's unstable processes is the cause of the individual's ignorance of the true self. The factors that affect the mind's instability can be internal or external in nature. The internal factors are such things as pesonal longing, the tendency of the mind to wander from one thought to another, or desire, while external factors can be sensations like pleasure or pain.Having these distractions of the mind under control eventually reveals the Atman inherent in each individual. As the Bhagavad Gita clearly states: â€Å"Controlling sense, mind, intellect; With moksha as the supreme goal; Freed from desire, fear, and anger: Such a sage is for ever free. † (5. 28) That passage from the Gita is very similar to the one in the Upanishads: â€Å"The Self is subtler than the subtle, greater than the great; It dwells in the heart of each living being. He who is free from desire and free from grief, with mind and senses tranquil, beholds the glory of the Atman.† (2. 20). According to the Gita and Upanishads, the liberation from Life's vissicitudes and dualities can be attained through discipline of thoughts and emotions, and non-attachment to worldly affairs. Both sources are oriented at a certain sense of â€Å"freedom†. How to attain that, however, Name 3 is where they differ. The Upanishads and the Gita has varying descriptions, yet the same interpretation of faith. In the Upanishads, the term Shraddha was used, which is a Sanskrit word that has no English equivalent, but roughly means â€Å"faith and yearning†.In the commentaries of Swami Paramananda on the Gita, it is stated that â€Å"It is more than mere faith. It also implies self-reliance, an independent sense of right and wrong, and the courage of one's own conviction† (1. 3). In the Gita, we can find a more elaborate description. It was declared that man is dictated by his faith (17. 3), and faith is determined by three dispositions, namely, [1] the quality of truth, [2] action, and [3] indifference (2). The first disposition is marked by doing something without a sking anything in return—altruism.The second disposition is less desirable than the first, however good the act, for it is still motivated by personal desire, and the third is the disposition that leads to injury either of the self or others (17). It is apparent that the first disposition is the favored one. Like the traditional Christian teachings, faith coupled with good action is required, for faith without action is dead, but it is also necessary for one to place faith in the right context. The two books have different views on asceticism, the Gita favors only mental asceticism, while the other included material deprivation as well.The Upanishads view indulgence to worldly affairs as impediments to spiritual progress, while the Gita believes one can still live normally provided that he does not harbor any attachment to mutable things. The Upanishads maintains the practice of bramacharya (life of continence and altruism), and personal austerities. In fact, Nachiketas, a pr otagonist on one of its chapters, has declared his disdain for worldly things by saying that things in Life are â€Å"fleeting†, and even â€Å"the longest life is short. † On the other hand, the Gita views ascetism as counter-productive: Name 4â€Å"Sense-objects turn away from the Abstinent, but the taste for them Remains, but that, too, turns away From him who has seen the Supreme. â€Å" (2. 59) It argues that eliminating the object of desire does not guarantee the removal of the desire itself, as in the cases of drug abuse, mania and similar tendencies. Desire is an internal state and if the matter can be resolved mentally, extreme material deprivation on the ascetic would be unnecessary, and can also be a major obstacle in spiritual progress because its way of life does not liberate the practitioner from samsara (suffering).However, it has stated the importance of treating each worldly affair with full conscionsness or â€Å"single-minded devotion† (11. 54). Although desire is an immaterial thing, depriving oneself of external stimulus would provide a suitable environment for the ascetic in mastering the mind and its passions. Moreover, in the Gita, Nagarjuna, one of the text's protagonists, experienced difficulty in connecting with the eternal and act according to the dictates of his fate, due to his despondency, caused by the incoming war.Temptations or passions are indeed more difficult to resist in their presence than in their absence, but this doesn't mean that living a way of life as described in the Gita is impossible. Both books showed the two faces of the same coin, giving the practioners the freedom to choose according to personal preferences. Name 5 Works Cited Parmananda, Swami. â€Å"The Upanishads†. 1st World Publishing, 2004. â€Å"The Bhagavad Gita†. http://www. atmajyoti. org/

Empowerment of Local Communities for Sustainable Tourism Essay

Tourism, recognized as one of the most economically significant industries in the world has recently perceived emerging needs for forming sustainable planning for tourism management and development. According to Murphy (1985) and Perez – Salom (2001) in order to achieving desired sustainability certain alternations via better planning and management in the tourism activity patterns and pertaining products are necessary to decrease the environmental and social impacts. Thus researchers have emphasized the significance of stakeholder collaboration and participation in the decision making process and their involvement in each stage of tourism management to achieve long lasting sustainability (Teo 2002, Garrod 2003, Azman 1999). According to Branwell and Lane (2000) the dynamic, diffuse and fragmented manner of tourism development was identified long time ago. However the diversified ways to solve problems associated with fragmentation was not achieved despite such identification (Hall 2003). Some of the challenges faced in implementing these strategies lie in the conflicting public policies enacted by respective governments which are engaged in tourism planning, management and development. Many tourism related public policies are ensnared in an energetic continuation processes with governments struggling to perceive the multitude of implications in tourism and their arbitration ways ( Caffyn & Jobbins 2003). As declared by Scheyvens in 2003 to achieve voluntary participation in desired levels for the planning processes one important precursor should be the empowerment of stakeholders in the community by involving them in the tourism development process. In the absence of empowerment in community and local levels, predictably national endeavors to develop specific identified destinations will not meet with successful results says Sofield (2003). According to Burns in 2004 it has also been established that a top to down attitude in strategic tourism planning will not stimulate or encourage stake holder participation and local commitment. Additionally according to Timothy (2000) the individual and state relationship has conventionally presented key level policy predicaments as many interest groups continue to seek government backing and funding in tourism development process. Therefore in this study major focus will be in determining the effectiveness of the statement made by Henkel & Stirrat (2001:168) to the effect of: â€Å"It is now difficult to find a development project that does not†¦claim to adopt a ‘participatory’ approach involving ‘bottom-up’ planning, acknowledging the importance of ‘indigenous’ knowledge and claiming to ‘empower’ local people† 2. Challenges of local participation in tourism planning In 2000 Hall advocated and emphasized the need in utilizing and developing a network thinking to critically analyze the involvement of public sector partnership and collaboration in tourism to develop sustainability and social capital. However, despite the many attractions of establishing a local community approach in tourism planning there are many challenges existing in the way such a process would be implemented and operated (Murphy 1988). These challenges include the manner in which to foster local participation for tourism planning and management, initiating and maintaining cooperation between public and private sectors and identifying implementation ways for local participation in tourism planning. Therefore it is vital to enhance the assimilation of management approaches in tourism planning. 3. Effective tourism planning for a sustainable development According to Hall (2003), tourism is an important concern for industry and governments as well as communities in terms of augmenting number of travelers, enhancing revenues and impacts for the communities in the tourist destinations. Tourism has the ability of impacting on both micro and macro environments and thus has been recognized as a paradoxical practice situation when adverse reactions occur where tourism can destroy tourism (Mihalic 2003). When ever tourism is not planned or managed efficiently it contains the capacity to destroy its own platform on which the tourism is based. In 1997, McVetty identified different tourism planning traditions and approaches which are commonly referred to day as following: Booster approach – concentrates on motivating and enhancing the tourist frequency. Commercial approach – concentrates on profit maximization Economic approach – focus on the resulting economic values generated via tourism related employment. Environmental approach – focus on the ecological conservation for tourist destinations Community based approach – concentrates on minimum impact and encouragement of involvement and control by local participation in tourism Integrated approach – the social development factor in tourism which takes in to account social mobilization and local participation to maximize tourism contribution towards local communities. In an integrated tourism planning approach it will take in to account a process that endeavor to bring together each individual stakeholder with their variety of experiences and attitudes. Within such a planning process, there is an opportunity for stakeholders to cooperate in arriving at temporary agreements in matters of environmental conservation, biodiversity and social welfare (Burns 2004). It has been established that this approach will be particularly beneficial for developing countries as it provides an alternative tourism approach with a people centered attitude. A variety of tourism management models were developed in the past with the rapid growth in recreation and tourism in natural destinations ( Hall 2003, Gunn & Turgut 2002). However according to McArthur (2000) the TOMM, Tourism Optimization and Management Model developed in Australia is the most successful tool introduced so far as other models failed to establish adequate stakeholder support for implementing and operating plans on a sustainable period to confirm their merits. The problem with these models was their inability to adjust to the diverse stakeholder participants and the absence of cooperative partnership for identifying standards and indicators. 4. Empowerment of local participants for effective tourism planning In 1997 France defined empowerment as a process in which households, local groups, individuals, communities, nations and regions all shape their lives along with the type of society in which they habitat. According to Boog in 2003 the recent past has used this term as a sense of group and collective empowerment. Empowerment contain diverse concepts such as facilitating relationships between individuals, contribution of power between social cultural, political domains says O’Neal & O’Neal (2003). For tourism planning the terms empowerment is regarded as a social development process encouraging and facilitating a respondent to responsive tourism attitude (Ritchie 1993). According to Sofield a vital component embedded in the process of empowerment is the application of decisions making model. Empowerment of local participants in the tourism industry represents multidimensional characteristics according to Scheyvens in 2002 who detailed them as following: Economic empowerment with lasting financial awards for the local participants Physiological empowerment for improving self esteem, pride within the local culture for their knowledge and respective resources. Social empowerment where a community’s integrity is enhanced and sustained via the tourism development process Political empowerment is a platform of democracy where people from all walks of life are invited in the participatory process and allowed to voice opinions and concerns. In 1993 Jenkins argued that local participants would express difficulties in perceiving the complicated aspects related to planning and managing representativeness in the tourism development process. He further stated that the decision making process which would need considerable time and cost may result in a lack of interest within the local communities. Therefore in order to overcome this situation and encourage local community participation in tourism management the issue of collaboration is regarded as a suitable management strategy to encourage participation. 5. Collaboration management between stakeholders and community As declared by Bramwell & Lane in 2000, it is widely acknowledge the importance in involving the many stakeholders in the process of tourism planning and management. The concept has led to the use of many collaborative partnerships and arrangements as a tool or technique with the intention of combining a range of interests to implement and develop pertaining tourism policies. To achieve successfully inclusive tourism development an accomplishment of cooperation within all planning sectors in each scale is an important concept. A significant advantage of such collaboration management is that relevant tourist destinations and respective organizations have the ability of gaining competitive advantages via a process of combining expertise, knowledge, knowhow, capital and various other resources belonging to the multi stakeholders says Kotler, Haider, & Rein (1993). Such a collaboration attempt within stakeholders can result in effective negotiations, dialogues and formulation of a community acceptable proposal in which sustainable tourism can be developed. According to Murphy (1988) the broadly based tourism policies resulting from such management policy integrations can create democratic empowerment, operational advantages, impartiality and finally a greatly enhanced tourism product to the world. Therefore it is vital to regard the entire planning process from a social phenomenon perspective where empowerment of local participants in the decision making process is given high priority. Moreover, collaboration and participation should be considered as important components of social capital that can be enriched via community complexity. 6. Recent Examples of stakeholder participation in tourism In the past clear evidence were seen of a range of individuals and organizations operating on innovative local participation led approaches in tourism management and development. Some of these examples are the Indonesian Andaman Discoveries, the North Andaman Tsunami relief flagship project which has initiated more than 120 projects in identified Tsunami affected communities. This flagship project was instrumental for aiding a large number of local communities to develop a local participatory tourism process successfully and as a result have also developed many supporting resources such as local crafts, traditional music promotions etc. The community tourism project initiated in Scotland Inverclyde tourism group has secured their funding through many resources including the national lottery. The project has achieved tremendous success through a capacity building process as a result of community involvement and partnership working. There are also visible examples to indicate the drawbacks of this concept. As declared by Manyara et al (2006) there are many obstacles in the process of developing indigenous SMTE, small and medium tourism enterprises due to constraints such as accessibility to global markets, deficiency in numeracy and literacy, access to capital and other resources, sector specific skills and insufficient government backing. Their report which concentrated in the local community participation of Kenya tourism also states that through proper legislative frameworks and policies a community based enterprise stand to benefit with better development potential and also benefit the SMTE in the longer term. Solutions cited in this report to make the Kenya tourism project successful was to integrate the requirements of allowing initiatives to be community owned, make communities fully involved in the process of tourism development and management and that these local communities should remain as the main beneficiaries of such initiatives. 7. Conclusion As declared by Mitchell and Reid in 2000 it could be stated in summary that local participation involvement in tourism management and development can be regarded as a simple categorical term defining ‘citizen power’. Within the stage of planning the research and study of social capital and social sensitivity in relation to tourism can provide great insights to the level of social impact alleviation arising from tourism on a local community through a process of relevant and strategic planning (Hall 2003). An important aspect is to consider is integrative planning to ensure minimal adverse impacts, environmental conservation, acceptance of tourism in general and overall community growth (Burns 2004). Equally it is important to consider planning with least amount of conflicts and to foster participation of local communities via controlling resources and tourism planning related decision making. The streamlining of a local community as a tourism product will aid the diversification of tourism offerings and also facilitate a meaningful economic participation in the tourism sector by the local communities. It will also generate many tourism related benefits that exceeds the primary tourism areas within a country. The research study concludes that while there is much written on this subject mainly at a conceptual level, it is vital that proper frameworks and guidelines are established for those communities searching for optimum practices and perceiving the associated benefits of tourism within the community body. It is also evident that establishing a strictly rigid guideline set will not do much to advance a sustainable tourism within the local community agenda. References Azman, A. (1999). Local participation of ecotourism the case of Bruinei ‘ Merinbum Heritage Park. Borneo Review, 10(1), 51-69. Bramwell, B. , & Lane, B. (Eds. ). (2000). Collaboration and partnerships in tourism planning. U. K: Channel View Publications. Burns, P. M. (2004). Tourism planning: A third way? Annals of Tourism Research, 31(1), 24- 43. France, L. (Ed. ). (1997). The role of government. London: Earthscan. Garrod, B. (2003). Local participation in the planning and management of ecotourism: A revised model approach. Journal of Ecotourism, 2(1), 33-52. Gunn, C. A. , & Turgut, V. (2002). Tourism planning: Basic, concepts, cases. New York: Routledge. Hall, C. M. (2000). Rethinking collaboration and partnership: A public policy perspective. In B. Bramwell & B. Lane (Eds. ), Tourism collaboration and partnerships: Politics, practice and sustainability. U. K: Channel View Publications. Hall, C. M. (2003). Politics and place: An analysis of power in tourism communities. In S. Singh, D. J. Timothy & R. K. Dowling (Eds. ), Tourism in destination communities. U. K: CABI Publishing. Jenkins, J. (1993). Tourism policy in rural New South Wales – Policy and research priorities. Geo Journal, 29(3), 281-290. Jones, E & Manyara G (2007). Community? based Tourism Enterprises Development in Kenya: An Exploration of Their Potential as Avenues of Poverty Reduction. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Vol. 15, No. 6, 2007. Welsh School of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK Kotler, P. , Haider, D. H. , & Rein, I. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states, and nations. New York: Free Press. McArthur, S. (Ed. ). (2000). Beyond carrying capacity – Introducing A model to monitor and manage visitor activities in forests. Wellingford, U. K: CABI Publishing. McVetty, D. (1997). Segmenting heritage tourism party – Visits on Dunedin’s Otago Peninsula: A strategic approach. Unpublished Master of Tourism thesis, University of Otago, Dunlin, New Zealand. Mitchell, R. E. , & Reid, D. G. (2000). Community integration: Island tourism in Peru. Annals of Tourism Research, 28(1), 113-139. Mihalic, T. (2003). Economic instruments of environmental tourism policy derived from environmental theories. In R. K. Dowling & D. A. Fennel (Eds. ), Ecotourism policy and planning. London: CABI International. Murphy, P. E. (1988). Community driven tourism planning. Tourism Management, 9(2), 96- 104. O’Neal, G. S. , & O’Neal, R. A. (2003). Community development in the USA: An empowerment zone example. Community Development Journal, 38(2), 120-129. Perez-Salom, J. (2001). Sustainable tourism: Emerging global and regional regulation. Georgetown International Environment Law Review, 13(4), 801-837. Ritchie, J. R. (1993). Tourism research: Policy and managerial priorities for the 1990s and beyond. In D. G. Pearce & R. W. Butler (Eds. ), Tourism research and critiques and challenges. London: Routledge. Scheyvens, R. (2002). Tourism for development: Empowering communities. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia Pte. Ltd. Scheyvens, R. (2003). Local involvement in managing tourism. In S. Singh, D. J. Timothy & R. K. Dowling (Eds.), Tourism in destination communities. U. K: CABI Publishing. Sofield, T. H. B. (2003). Empowerment for sustainable tourism development (Vol. Tourism Social Science Series). London: Pergamon. Teo, P. (2002). Striking a balance for sustainable tourism: Implication of the discourse on globalization. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10(6), 459-474. Timothy, D. J. (2000). Cross-border partnership in tourism resource management: International parks along the US-Canada border. In B. Bramwell & B. Lane (Eds. ), Tourism collaboration and partnerships: Politics, practice and sustainability. U. K: Channel View Publications.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

No topic - Assignment Example The overwhelming mortgages did not directly impact the Federal Reserve but through independent investment companies, which really demonstrates how the American economy is almost entirely feeding from the financial industry. I think there is more of a fiscal policy involvement in this case: the Federal Government had the intentions to bail out the projected failing companies such as the Bear Stearns. For instance, the former Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, devised a merger between the Bear Stearns and the JP Morgan, which would allow the Federal Government to shell out $30 billion in order to cover up the dubious assets associated with toxic mortgages. This implies for a relative more expansionary policy strategy by the government. I think one of the most important lessons that I learned from watching the video is how the finance industry has dominantly gained control over our government. Aside from the hints that the economic crash was â€Å"contrived†, the video reveals some of the most undesirable realities of the United States: the country’s goals toward recovery will fall short except if we get rid of the financial oligarchy that is hindering the fundamental

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Assignment 4 Brief therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment 4 Brief therapy - Essay Example or â€Å"How can the therapist provide what is needed to get the patient unstuck?† (Budman, Hoyt & Friedman, 1992). Among the approaches presented, I am partial to the cognitive behavioral techniques. In this paper, two of the known ones shall be discussed, namely Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy pioneered by Aaron Beck. It is believed that much can be said about how a person reacts to a situation. In times of successes and positive moments, most people celebrate with joyous reactions. However, in troubled times, people react with different shades of negative emotions. Some spring back right away and take positive action while others dwell in doom and even fall into a dark depressive state. For these people, how do they find their way back to the light? Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is considered to be the forerunner of Cognitive Behavior therapies. Its basic hypothesis is that our emotions stem mainly from our beliefs, evaluations, interpretations and reactions to life situations. Ellis believes that we have an inborn tendency towards growth and actualization but we often sabotage our movement toward growth due to self-defeating patterns we have learned. Through therapeutic processes, the client learns skills to isolate and dispute their irrational views which were mostly self-constructed and maintained by self-indoctrination. REBT helps clients replace such irrational views with rational and constructive ones, thus resulting in more productive change in behavior and reactions to situations. Although Ellis believes that therapists maintain unconditional regard for the client, he also warns against giving too much warmth to the point of coddling, as it encourages clients’ dependence for approval from the therapist. Maturity is expected of the client as great